Happy ever after

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Abdulhamid Stared down at his new born son in awe, he turned to look at his wife, she had never looked more beautiful to him, despite the fact that she had exhaustion written all over her face, her body and clothes soaked with sweat, her gorgeous hair sticking to her face, she gave a weak shy smile, causing his smile to widen even more, she blushed looking away, every slight act tugging at his heart strings.

Looked back down at his son again, he leaned in and whispered the Adhan into his ears before reciting some duas and saying the name Khalifa 3 times. He placed his son back into his crib, the baby stirred but quickly hushed back to sleep on his own, Abdul turned back to his wife, going to her bed, he bent towards her, kissing her all over her face, whispering words of gratitude causing her to giggle.

"Allah yayi maki albaraka Darling." He said.

"Assalamualikum" a female voice greeted.

Abdul turned to see his father and mother in-law walking in.

"Wa Alikumusalaam, Ina wuni Baba, Ina wuni Umma" he said, going down on his knees to greet them.

"Ahan, Abdul anzama Baba" Baba said patting him on his back, "congratulations, Allah ya raya" he continued laughing and making gest, Abdul just laughed in response.

"Allah ya raya Maimuna, Allah yayi maki albarka" Baba said, staring down at his daughter proudly.

"Amin" she whispered shyly, staring at every other place but her parents.

Umma ignored Abdul generally, she walked over to her daughter, "Ina wuni baby, ya jiki?" she asked, pulling away stands of hair from her daughter's face.

"Ina wuni Umma" Maimuna, greeted.

"Ina baby'n?" her mom asked, Maimuna turned to the direction of the crib in response, Umma walked to the other side of her daughter's bed towards the crib, still ignoring Abdul, she scooped up the sleeping baby into her arms, gently rocking form side to side, she smiled down at her grandson, staring down at his innocent sleeping face, immediately the concrete walls she had built around her heart cracked and crumbled, she was in love with this tiny human, her daughter Maimuna had a baby she thought in awe, her baby had a baby, just maybe this marriage surviving wasn't such a bad thing after all, a little tear of joy and relief escaped down her cheek.

"Allah ya raya ka" she whispered to the baby, leaning over she whispered more duas into the child's ear.

"Congratulations, Abdul Allah ya raya" she said while handing the baby over to her husband to do the same.

Both Baba, Miamuna and Abdulhamid turn to her in shock, those were the first words she had said to Abdul in months, she always made it a point to ignore him and his mother.

Hope tickled at Abdul's heart, tugging slightly, which soon bloomed like wild orchids, maybe just maybe this family could heal and mend to what and how it used to be, before all the fiasco and drama, just maybe his prayers were finally being answered. One day happiness, peace and unity will rein ones more.

Umma gave him a warm smile, causing him to smile back, "Amin Umma" he answered practically beaming with joy.

A beautiful lady appeared from tiny air; she was dress in a black abaya this time, a black veil covering her hair, she stared down at the baby, what a beautiful baby she thought, her figure shimmered before the crib, her long ghost like fingers ran gently down the baby's cheeks, she smiled down at the child, strings of love played its way into her heart, she placed her hand on her chest, resting directly over her heart. The invisible woman turned to stared at the reuniting family, maybe she should stick around for a while, just to make sure khalifa remains happy and safe.


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