chaper 18

158 21 0

Some private university in Abuja
Aminu' pov

"Fauziya! Fauziya! wait" I yelled running after her, she just ignored me and kept walking as fast as she could towards her car but I caught up with her, getting hold of her arm and pulling her to a stop.

"leave me alone Aminu! Don't you dare use those filthy hands to touch me" she warned pushing me away.

Anger clouded my judgement and I reacted without thinking, how dare she she speak to me that way, before I knew what I was doing my hand lifted in its own accord and I slapped her across the cheeks, leaving an ugly red imprint of my palm on her fair skin.

" inalilahi Fauzy, I am so sorry" I said immediately I realized what I had done, I hugged the offending hand to my chest, I slide down on her car to the floor, while she stood over me staring down at me in shock, her hand over her cheek covering the bruise I had left behind.

"I need help, I need help, it was supposed to be a one time thing, just for fun, I am so stupid" I murmured to myself, running my hand through my sweat damped hair.

"please I need help" I kept chanting, she bent down to my level, placing her hand over mine.

"Aminu" she called out softly trying to snap me out of my trance, " how long have you been using drugs?" she asked, tearing up.

I stared up at her, disgusted with myself and wallowing in self pity, she shouldn't touch me, I don't want to taint her.

"almost six months" I finally answered looking away.

Her eyes closed briefly, but she opened them again and looked at me again, "don't worry we will get you the help you need" she promised

" I will always be there for you, just promise me you will try your best" she continued helping me to my feet, I just nodded staring at her in awe.

" my father! Dada" I panicked thinking of how they might react.

"don't worry one step at a time, Aminu, one step at a time" she encouraged, "come I will drop you at home" she said smiling up at me, I couldn't help but smile back.

Gambo's residence
Fauzy's pov
I parked my car in front of the house, killing my engine and leaning back in my sit, sighing.

How will my twin, Luqman react if he notice the bruise on my cheek, he has a short fuse, often acting before thinking, he was also know for his bad temper, once he is triggered he can't be stopped, until he destroys the source of his anger.

Luqman was over protective of his sisters, especially I his twin, I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel, before making up my mind and getting put the car.

I made my way into the house fidgeting, "Asalmualikum" I said getting into the house.

"Ameen alaikumulsalam" Umma answered from the sitting room.

I walked into the sitting room to offer my greetings.

"umma ina wuni" I greeted going down on one Knee.

"kin dawo?" she answered looking up, then gasped at the sight of the swollen red bruise on my cheek.

"inalilahi! Fauziya What happened?" she said rushing over to me.

"Umma calm down, it was a mistake please stop shouting" I said attempting to calm her down, at this rate the entire house will be altered.

"fauziya! A mistake, this can't be a mistake, what! did the person's hand spontaneously fly to your face, I wasn't born yesterday fauziya! Ba kida hankali, who did this to you Fauziya" she continued with her rant, retie her wrapper ever so often.

"who did this to my baby" she said pulling me to her side petting the side of my face.

"Umma what is the ruckus about" Luqman asked concerned coming down the stairs.

My heart to the pit of my stomach immediately I heard his voice, my palms became sweaty and I began to fidget.

" Come luqman, come and look at your sister's face, she is barely recognizable" she said walking over to him and pulling me haphazardly alongside.

"Lah lah!" Hanisa gasped from behind him at the sight of my face.

"it's not that bad" I said giving Hanisa a dirty look.

"not that bad! Not that bad!" Luqman yelled staring at me in disbelief, "can you even hear yourself, have you looked in the mirror lately, you look like someone used a log of wood to strike you across the face" Luqman said angrily

"yah Luqman, it's nothing serious, walahi it was a mistake" I said trying to explain.

"ke Fauzy if you know what is good for you, better start mentioning names" he threatened.

"ya luqman...."

"it seems like you don't understand English in the afternoon or is it the hit you took across the face that has made you stupid"

"Aminu....but.... " I was caught off again but this time by Umma.

"Aminu! My Aminu" she yelled in shock.

" I will break every single bone in his body" Luqman vowed, he walked over to the center table and picked up his car keys.

"no Luqman, that is not the way to solve this" Umma tried to reason, but he was already far too gone.

He stormed out the house in anger, while I ran after him " Yah luqman please" I pleaded, but he got into his car and drove off.

I ran back to the house already in full blown panic, "Umma what am I going to do, Inalilahi" I gushed

"I will call your father" Umma said adjusting her wrapper haphazardly, "ke Fauziya call Aminu and warn him and also call Abdulhamid, he might be able to get through your brother" she instructed

I picked up my phone and dialed Amino's number, I had this feeling of dread rumbling at the pit of my stomach, why did I have the feeling that this was only the beginning of our troubles.

Another chapi
Luqman and Laddi's pics coming soon.

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