The Red Dress

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Abdulhamid's residence
Abdul’s pov

     Abdul parked his car and stepped out, he clicked the car remote to lock the doors as he walked towards the house, he just walked a few steps when the sighted Ladidi, balled by the entrance door sobbing, panic took over making him run towards her.

"Ladidi mai ya faru?" he asked bending down to get a better look at her face.

"Alhamdulillah", she practically screamed jumping up and knocking him over, ‘’Alhamdulillah Ka dawo, wayo Allah, bazan iya ba, yawo Allah, Hajiya dodo Ce, ta changer, ba ita b ace kuma, ta dawo wani ir’” she said hysterically.

"Ke! Ba’a kida hankali ne’ Abdul said standing up dusting his clothes ‘what do you mean Hajiya ta changer’ he barked at her.

"oya ki shiga gida, ki zo ki nuna mun Hajiyan"

"Wallah Alhaji, kai de ka shiga inna bayan ka"

Abdul hissed, pushing the door open, he went into the house, on entering, he called out his wife’s name

"Maimuna? Where are you?”

"in the kitchen babe", she answered or someone with the exact same voice as his wife answered, he stopped abruptly making Ladidi bump into him, he turned to look at her, she was shaking like a leaf.
"Maimuna, Belle!", he called out again just to make sure.

"yes babe in the kitchen’” her voice answered again.

He walked into the kitchen, and for the second time stopped in his tracks, his heart began to beat faster, his jaw dropped , drool began to form, he was seriously salivating, which was not only due to the delicious smell that permeated the air but also due to his wife she was beautiful, no beautiful was an understatement, no word on this plant could describe her, she was wearing a beautiful red body hugging gown that stopped at her ankle, a black turban to compliment the dress, she had light make on, with bold red lipstick, she left her hair unpacked, causing the curly strand to fall out from under the turban to her mid back.

"Babe shut your mouth, or you might sallow a bug", she scolded giggling.

”Belle, you are gorgeous’” he murmured walking closer to her.

”thank you” she answered shyly

"who dressed you’ he asked hugging her.

”what do you mean, I can’t dress myself’ she said pushing him away and frowning.

"no no that’s not what I meant, I am sorry I didn’t mean to offend you", he said staring down at her lovingly

"ok I forgive you, where have u been, I missed you”, she said hugging him again and resting her head on his chest.

"I missed you too my love, I went to see Baba, oh that reminds me, how are you feeling".

"Better, but do you know what will make me feel even more better", she asked looking up at him and smiling deviously.

"What, I will do anything for you my heart" he answered excitedly.

"Kiss me", she whispered

"A kiss that’s easy" he replied giving her a quick kiss on her forehead, "see now you are as good as new", he joked

She frown ‘”I didn’t mean a peck, I meant a real kiss on the lip’” she said tapping on her lips with her index finger.

"oh, are you sure?" he asked a little surprised,

she nodded biting down on her bottom lips, smiling slyly at her she, snaked her hands around his neck, intertwining her fingers she pulled him towards her and he followed hesitantly, she gave him a soft kiss at first, then deepened the kiss.

Abdul wrapped his arms around her tiny waist, he lifted her up, causing her to tighten her hold on him, they kissed for a while before they broke apart for air, and she giggled staring at his dazed look.

"ok you can put me down now", she instructed still laughing, he slowly put her down on her two,  and stepped a few steps back, he stumbled a bit before steadying himself on the countertop.

"I cooked babe” she said clapping her hands smiling at him,  ‘come, it’s in the dining room, I am sure you will love it", she said excitedly, she grabbed his hand trying to pull him with her to the dining area but he pulled her back to him, causing her to grab the front of his shirt for stability.

"just one more taste" he said staring at her lips, he grab the back of her head pulling her towards, he bent meeting her half way, he kissed he roughly, all the initial gentleness was gone.

"Babe wait" she said pulling away, but his just ignored her, swooping down to kiss her again, he was getting lost in the magical feeling her lips were giving him.

"babe” she whined pulling away, ‘the food will get cold and I put so much energy into preparing it just for you.

"Ok ok, I am sorry", he said breathlessly, stepping back. 

"Ok lets go it” allowing her to lead him to the dining area.

She pulled out a chair gesturing for him to take a sit, she served him towon semo da miyan kuka, and she gave a bowl filled with water lukewarm water to wash his hands, and poured cold drinking water into a glass cup and sat beside him.

"baza ki ci ba’’ he asked washing his hand.

"aha, na ci koh’ she replied, he just nodded.

"Bismillahi’’ he said cutting a bit of semo, dipping it in to the miyah, he swallowed.

"Wayo Allah dadi” he said, staring at her in shock, ‘I was told you knew little about cooking’ he said taking another bite.

"Yeah, I learn quickly", she said shyly

"Well Belle, this is delicious, thank you", He quickly finished his meal and washed his hands,

”do you want more?", she asked getting up to pack the plates.

"Kai kina son ki kashe ni ne, wallahi na koshi’ he said patting his tummy.

"Leave the plates, Ladidi will clear them", he said standing up.

She nodded, "toh said a safe” she replied turning to leave, but he grabbed her pulling he back to him.

"is that how to tell your husband goodnight?" he asked making her blush, ‘well I am still hungry for that kiss’ he whispered pecking the tips of her ear.

"Goodnight Yaya", she said pulling away and running up the stairs to her room.

Abdul sat back down sighing, there was a change in Maimuna and it seemed to be a good one or was this just a dream, because how else could he explain his wife’s drastic change, how can someone learn to cook so well within a few hour, maybe he should just thank Allah for the new change.

He stood up pushing the thought out of his head, he went into his room, prayed Magarib and isha, he did zikr and went to bed, with a heavy dreadful feeling at the pit of his stomach and this feeling he couldn’t push away, something was really wrong, he knew something was wrong but he couldn’t place his hands on what it was, he dozed off to sleep while still doing zikr.

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