Love and Kisses

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Fauziya’s pov
8:16 am
3 months later

“Umma please, please, please Just a few hours and I promise we will be back, Maimuna misses Ya Abdul so much or do you want her to go crazy” Fauziya pleaded with her mother earnestly.

“Ke leave me alone, I said no…….oh you want to go to that house so that they will poison you and Maimuna both” Lami said eyeing her daughter.

“Mummy now” Fauziya grunt. “Toh I promise we won’t eat anything or drink anything and the driver will take us there and bring us back, Mummy it has been almost 4months now; please just let Maimuna see her husband please Umma”

“Who is Maimuna’s husband? You are making things worst” Hajiya Lami said getting up and walking into the kitchen.

“oya sorry Umma, Ya Abdul, let Maimuna see Ya Abdul please, she isn’t eating well, can’t you see how she has lost weight, please do it for Maimuna at least, please Umma please”. Fauziya pleaded following close behind her mother.

“Ok……but only because you have been pestering me for the past few days and I am tired with you persistent nagging” Lami conceded.

“Yahhhhhh, thank you Mummy” Fauziya jubilated jumping up and down while hugging her mother.

“Listen! Just three hours and tell Abdulhamid I have already hired a lawyer, so he should just send the remaining divorce or face me in court” Lami said.

Fauziya on the other hand didn’t even register what her mother said, she just ran off to go and inform her sister of the news, and they both excitedly got dress and left for Kawu Aminu’s house. On getting there they both hopped out of the car and went into their Uncles house, Abdulhamid was already waiting outside the house patiently leaning on his car and waiting for his wife, after all he and Fauziya conspired together.

He quickly stood up and walked to his wife, he picked her up and hugged her tight, breathing her in deep, oh God how he missed her scent.

“My Payment Ya Abdul”” Fauziya said interrupting the reunion.

“Check your account, I sent it a while back” he said winking at her. “Thank you fauziya”

Maimuna just cling to her husband for dear life, she was afraid if she released her hold he might disappear again.

“I missed you” she whispered loud enough for, only his ears.

“I missed you too” he said snuggling closer to you.

Fauziya watched them get into Abdul’s and drove off, she smiled a little, may Allah preserved their marriage she prayed before heading into the house to greet her Uncle and his wife, on getting into the sitting room she found her Aunt, Dada sitting on her prayer mat and offering some supplications. Dada turned and stared at Fauziya, who fidgeted awkwardly on her feet.

“come here my darling” Dada said, arms stretched out, her voice cracking with emotions and hot tears spilling form her eyes, fauziya ran towards her Aunt and they both enveloped each other into a tight warm hug.

7 hours later
Lami’s pov

Lami eyed both her children as they walked into the house sheepishly; they couldn’t look her in the eyes because they knew they were in the wrong.

“So sorry Umma we got carried away’. Fauziya busted out.

“How many hours did I give you two?” Lami asked glaring at her children.

“3 hours Umma”. Fauziya muttered sheepishly.

“And how many did you spend?” Lami asked

Fauziya began counting her fingers, muttering to herself but Maimuna answered before she could.

“7 hours, Umma” Maimuna answered coyly.

"wai mai yasa baku jin Magana ne ehen, mai sa baku jin kishina ehan, mai sa baku son kanku”Lami asked dejectedly.

“Mama we are sorry”, maimuna said blushing, making Lami eye her suspiciously.

“Umma we are sorry”. Fauziya apologized too.

“wai Maimuna why are you blushing Kaman mara gaskiya, anyways you both are not allowed to leave the house till further notice". Lami said glaring at them.

“Haba Umma……’’ fauziya started but was interrupted by their mother.

“Will you shut up before I do something worst, now get out of my sight” Lami glowered.

Both Fauziya and Maimuna hurriedly shuffled away, feel their mother’s glare on their behinds.



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