Chapter 6

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How I envision Alhaji Aminu Bawa above

Bawa's residence
Abdul's pov

   We were all seated in the dinning room, just like every other morning having breakfast, the room was a little crowed, because everyone one had come back home due to Farida'wedding.
   " Nafisa please pass me the omelets" I asked politely, stretching my arm to collect it from her. Just about then Abba came in and sat at the head table, his face glum.
   "Ina kwana Abba" we all murmured acknowledging his presence and he just nodded in response.
   "I received a call from Gambo this morning" he said in a clear voice rubbing at his beard.
  "hope everything is alright" Dada asked placing a cup of tea, some omelets and bread in front of him.
  "Maimunat's engagement was called off"
"Oho poor girl, this is the 5th time her engagement has been called off, Allah knows best" Dada lamented.
Abba just grunt in response picking up his cup of tea.
  "I will call Lami later" she continued taking her sit.
     After a couple of minutes the entire room erupted with noise, every one sharing their own views and opinions about what should be done and how to tackle the problem while Abba just sat quietly in deep thought, frown lines deeply encraved on his forehead.
    I personally couldn't understand why anyone wouldn't want to marry Maimuna, she was beautiful, smart, kind, well educated with great upbringing, so what if she was autistic, that didn't define her in anyway.
   After breakfast and everyone had either relocated to the sitting room or out running an errand or at work, I made my way to Abba's office upstairs.
  I Knocked twice and a grunt came from the opposite side of the door granting me permission to come in.
  "Asalamualikum" I said making my way inside.
"Ameen Alaikumusalam" Abba answered, he stared up at me in curiosity
  "Aren't you supposed to be at work" he asked
"yes I had something important to discuss with you"
  He looked at he intensely, dropped his news paper and gave me his complete attention.
  "bismillah" he made a gesture for me to take a sit
"what is this about, I hope everything is fine"
  "Masha Allah Abba, everything is fine Alhamdulilah" I answered nervously
"well...?" he urged
" it is about Maimuna"
"what about Maimunat" he asked with the slight raise of an eyebrow.
"I would like to ask for her hand, I mean I would like to marry her"
  The room was silent for a moment before he answered.
" are you sure you know what you are getting into" he asked
"yes I am" I answered confidently
He stared intensely at me for a moment, before a huge grin overtook his face.
"that's my boy" he said excitedly clapping his hands together.
  " I will discuss with your mother, then call your uncle" he said getting up and walking towards me.
"you have made me proud Abdul, may Allah bless you my son" he said hugging me a little, which shocked me immensely.
   Abba had never been one to show emotions, He hardly smiled or laughed, I was so used to the frown which at some point had seemed like it had been craved into his face.
"now don't be lazy, off to work" he said shooing me away, the frown back in place.
"thank you Abba" I said and walked out.
What a man....

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