chapter one

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 Farida and Bello above

Bawa's Residence
Bikini Farida da Bello
Abdul's pov

      The pit pat of little feets could be heard running down the hallway, I quickly pulled my duvet over my head, a mischievous smile slowly forming on my lips, my room door flew open and  feminine shrieking followed.
    "Yaya Abdul! Yaya Abdul" the voice shrieked making me wince, she hard a really high pitched voice for a 5 year old.
She jumped on the bed, her little body bouncing up and down.

  "Yaya Abdul, ka tashi, have you forgotten what today is" she complained trying to pull the duvet off of me.
   "Amina! I will flog you fa" I said pulling her towards me, I started tickling her, causing her to burst out laughing, by the time I was down she was tired and out of breath.

   "Yaya Abdul, su Aunty Zara za su zu yau, ko ka mance ne ?, ka tashi Dada na kira"
  "Je ki gaya mata ina zuwa", I said getting up
  She ran out of the room laughing, excited that she had succeeded in her task.
   I walked into my bathroom and quickly showered, dressing up in a black sweat shirt, black jeans and a black face cap.
  I went downstairs before Dada starts nagging, no more avoiding it, it was time to face the mob.

Short I know, I know, promise it will get better 😘
Ps:  I am not that good at writing in Hausa, any one willing to help will be appreciated, BUT no hate comments, that wouldn't be tolerated, thanks.

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