chapter 16

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  3 days later 
Abdul's and Maimuna's residence
12:45 pm
Maimuna's pov

     Why must you always panic so much, now he probably thinks of you as an over grown baby, I thought slapping my fore head, I was at the edge of my bed berating myself, my stomach growled reminding me of how hungry I felt.

  Why won't he just go out like any other normal day, I walked out my room, tiptoeing towards the rails on the balcony and spying down at him, he was still there, sitting comfortably in the sitting room, watching some stupid movie, oblivious to my turmoil, I rolled my eyes in annoyance going back into my room.

My stomach growled again, making me clutch my tummy, I really need to feed it before it turns on my other organs and devour them, I wish Umma was here, I miss home.

  "OK Maimuna you are a smart girl" I said giving myself a pep talk, "think of something" I continued biting at my fingers nails.

"yes" I said excitedly jumping up, "I will just sneak into the kitchen get some food and sneak back to my room, I have always been known for my superb ninja skills" I said patting myself on the shoulder.

  I walked out the room and tiptoed down the stairs, sneaking passed him in the living room, he was seated on the couch, his back towards me, watching football, so this was what I was starving for I thought rolling my eyes, I tiptoeing into the kitchen.

There were various food flasks arranged on the kitchen counter, I had heard when Ya Jabir had brought them earlier on, but I was too embarrassed to face Ya Abdul, after what had happened three days ago.

I opened one of the flask, it was filled with white rice, I picked up a plate but dropped it back, that's wouldn't be enough, I thought, searching the kitchen for a bigger bowl, I soon located one and got to work.

I picked a serving spoon and filled up my bowl with rice, then  I opened the second flask it was had stew and beef in it, I poured some on my rice and took two large beefs.

No I have been starving since in the morning I need more protein, I thought adding three more, I fetched some salad too and took a bottle of water from the fridge, I took a spoon and placed it in my bowl, staring down at my work feeling proud, then I felt a presence behind me.

"lahhhhh! Maimuna, a ji tosron Allah, inna Ziki sa wanan, kai" Ya Abdul gushed behind me.

I covered my face blushing profusely, why must he always show up at my most embarrassing moments, I picked up my bowl and water bottle and walked out of the kitchen, trying to avoid looking at him.

"no I can't let you eat that, do you want to give yourself constipation" he said trying to hold back his laughter and failing miserably.

"no I am hungry" I argued going up the stairs, he was right behind me laughing so hard, I walked into my room kicking the door shut, but he just pushed it back open and strolled in behind me.

I sat on the floor placing my bowl and water bottle in front of me, folding my legs Indian style, I picked up my spoon and began feasting, at least I tried to, but Ya Abdul snatched the bowl away, I crawled after it, but he placed his big palm on my face holding me back.

"where will you put this, you are so small, you are tiny this is too much" he complained laughing.

"you are starving me" I complained, " bring and I will show you where I am going to put it" I said slapping his hand away from my face.

  "OK let's make a deal, if you are not able to finish this, you will stop avoiding me and if you do finish it, which I highly doubt, you can avoid me as long as you want"

"deal" I said frowning up at him.

He placed the bowl in from of me, watching me intensely.

" I can't eat with you looking at me like that" I said fidgeting "turn around"

He eyed me suspiciously but turned his back to me,  I digged in and a few minutes later I was done.

"done" I said clapping my hands happily,  he turned surprised staring down at the now empty bowl, he picked it up, turning it upside down and shaking it violently.

"where is the remaining food?" he asked looking at me.

I patted my tummy, "Alhamdulilah" I said smiling up at him.

He crawled towards the bed, lifting the bedsheets and looking under, "you ate everything" he said dazed,  "we need to go to the hospital, I am sure there is a worm or two in there" he said poking my tummy.

"no" I said getting up

He got up too looking down at me his mouth hanging open, " ashe ke yekozuna  ce, kawu a zuba" he said chuckling, making me blush.

"you need to keep your end of the deal" I said frowning and pushing him out the room, shutting the door behind him.

I leaned on the door patting my tummy, I frowned, do I eat too much?, Umma never complained, I thought to myself walking into the bathroom to perform wudu for prayers.


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