Broken trust

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This chapter is dedicated to _Niamo7, thank you for being so supportive 😘

Gambo’s residence

"ina kwana Yaya" Gambo said, greeting his older brother and his wife, after they exchanged greetings, they both took their sits adjacent to each other, then Gambo instructed this help to get them breakfast.

"no need for that Gambo" Aminu said waving it off.

Just then Hajiya Lami descented the stairs and immediately greeted her brother in law and his wife, then took  a sit beside her husband and said

"Lafiya dai Yaya? Wanan da muka ganku da safe nan" .

"Hajiya Lami, wallah I wish I could tell you that everything is alright, but I can not, my wife has something to apologise for’’ Aminu said nervously.

Gambo could see that not only his brother but also his wife were in distress, he hated seeing his brother like this, it tugged painfully at his heart.

"if its about the other day, its totally forgotten". Gambo said quickly, trying to reassure his brother.

"Haba Yaya, is it because of the other day you came? We forgot about the entire incident the moment we left the house". Lami said laughing lightly trying to easy the tension.

"I wish it was about the other incident". Aminu muttered to himself coly. "Bismilla Hauwa". he said turning to his wife.

Hauwa sat very close to her husband trying to hide away from the prying eyes of her brother Iaw and his wife.

"I want to apologise to both of you for the way I acted the last time we met". Hauwa started, fidgeting.

"Ya Hawau there is no need for that………" Lami started but Hauwa interrupted her.

"No I have to say this, please let me just say this, during Abdul’s and Maimuna’s wedding". she began to tell both husband and wife of the deeds she had commited against their daughter, she finished in tears, unable to look at both of them in the eyes.

Lami’s face was set a tight frown, her eyes hard as she stared her sister in law down. "so……". she began, but Aminu’s phone interrupted her.

Aminu quickly retrived his phone from his pocket and answered the call. "Asalamualikum". he answered on first ring and the frist thing he heard at the other end were the broken hearted sobs of his son.

"Abdulhamid talk to me, what is wrong? Talk to your father". Aminu said his heart beating faster from worry.

"Baba I don’t know what happen, she was just there on the floor…………….she wasn’t breathing………just like that………she was gone". Abdul hiccupped incoherently.

"Where are you now?". Aminu asked.

"At the hospital, Imam Specialist hospital". Abdul answered still sobbing.

"Ok we are on our way". Aminu said ending the call, he turn back to the other occupants of the room, and said

"I think……I think something is wrong with Maimuna, that was Abdul, he is at Imam specialist hospital".

,:what!".  Lami said springing up from her sit, "let me get my hijab". she said running up the stairs.

"Aminu what is wrong with Maimuna?” Hauwa asked, heart was not only filled worry but also guilt, what of if Maimuna’s  current condition was because of her, she choked on her sobs, her hands coming to her neck as if she wanted to strangle her self.

Lami back as fast as she had gone up and they all left for the hospital, on arrival they found Abdul sitting on the floor in the hospital’s hallway.

"Abdul!". Gambo called out as the rushed over to him.

"Kawu!". Abdul answered getting up too fast, he swayed on his feet because a sudden head rush which made him feel a little dizzy.

"careful Abdul". Aminu said grabbing s hold of him.

Hawau stared at her son, his eyes were bloodshot, dried tears marked his cheeks, she sighed sadly,

"Have you eaten Abdul" she asked.

"no, I am not hungry Dada". he answered shaking his head.

"No I will call Nafisa to bring you something". she said walking away to make a phone call.

They waited for a if more hours before the doctor finally came to update them.

"Dr how is she?". Abdul said standing up.

The doctor nodded to his parents in greeting , before turing back to Abdul, "do you want to talk privately?’". he directed the question to Abdul.

"what do you mean by that? we her parents". Lami said close to tears, biting viciously  at her fingers, trying to easy her anxiety.

"just say it doctor". Abdul said anxiously.

"ok…..well Mr Abdul your wife is stable now, it was a miracle that we were able to revive her". the doctor started.

"Alhamdulilah". they all chorused.

"can we see her now?". Gambo asked.

"no, we have placed her in a drug induced coma because she keeps having seizures and until we can find out the cause, we will have to keep her in the coma".

They all nodded, allowing the information to sink in, Lami was the frist to speak up.

"But she will be fine right?". she asked hot tears spilling down her cheeks.

"we will try our best madam and leave the rest is up to Allah"  the Doctor said and excused himself.

Aminu cleared his throat and turn to his brother, "I will contact Sheik  Ibrahim". he said and walked out to make the call.

Ramadan Mubarak
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