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Jabir’s pov

It has been two whole days since Abdul had been forced to divorce his wife, Jabir had witness his brother wilting away like a lily plucked from the nurturing arms of the soil, away from the essential nutrient it needs to survive, Maimuna was being discharged from the hospital today and Jabir had never seen anyone beg the way his brother did today, he could relate with the pains his younger brother was going through after all he did lose his wife too, at least there was still a possibility Abdul could have his wife back, Jabir on the other hand not so much.

Jabir took another left turn, the wheel beneath his palm obey fluently, he was deep in thought, not really paying attention to the road, would his family ever be the same as it used to be, maybe never not after the stunt his mother pulled, yes they were all aware, after all his parent had to inform Abdul of the reason he was losing his wife, it was only fair they told him and Abdul went berserkers on their Mother, Dada was so shocked, she didn’t expect it from her usually calm, sweet and soft spoken son of all people, truth be told they all witness and entirely different side of Abdul that day.

Aunty Lami on the other hand, had forbidden any connect between her children and Dada’s children, God forbid they breath the same air, Jabir thought sighing dejectedly and taking a right turn, but he instantly hit the brakes, taking a swerve to avoid the person that had been standing in the middle of the road, he should have paid more attention to the road he scolded himself putting his car into park, he didn’t need more drama in his life right, he thought getting down from the car.

“WHAT kind of driver are you, didn’t you see the red light” the lady screamed. Pointing an angry finger at him.

Jabir on the other hand recognized her immediately, how could he forget the face that had been plaguing his mind for the past few days, it was her, the girl Ya idris and himself had encountered at the Mosque.

“It’s you” Jabir said accusingly, gesturing for her to come to the side of the road where he stood, thank God she obeyed without complaining.

“Oh he is not only a bad drive, he is mental too” the Lady said sarcastically.

Jabir quickly regained his composure. “I am so sorry, I didn’t see you, are hurt” he asked, looking at her and searching of any scratch or bleeding.

“You should get glasses, if your eye sight isn’t any good and no I am not hurt” she grumbled dusting her clothes.

“I am sorry again, is there anyway I could compensate you” he asked, sliding a hand into his pocket.

“Are you trying to bribe me mister?” she asked glaring up at him.

“No, no, sorry but don’t you recognize me” he asked her perplexed.

“Oh no, did you help me during one of my fits?” she asked sighing dejectedly

“thank you and no I am not possessed, its epilepsy” she added sarcastically.

“Fits? Epilepsy?” he asked even more confused.

“Ok it wasn’t during one of my fits” she asked craning her head to the side to get a better look at him. “I there is no way we knew each other in secondary school, you are way too old”.

“did you just call me old” Jabir asked amused, “anyway we met in the mosque, a few weeks back, after Jummat prayers, I am my brother, you knew my name……..” he said brushing of her pervious comment.

The young lady frowned up at him. “No I think we have a case of mistaken identity” she said.

“no I could never forget your face, it’s you” he insisted.

“Oh…..well maybe I have a twin that I don’t know about, that would be a mystery right” she said her eyes twinkling. “Now I must go before my mother starts searching for me” she said walking off, leaving him watching her retreating figure.

Jabir quickly regained himself and placed a call through to his father, before driving after her in a slow pace and at her distance, now he really felt like an old creeping stalker.

************************************hey....... 😥
Eid Mubarak

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