The meeting

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Bawa's residence

Abba on one of the black velvet settees in his sitting room, his back rested on the settee, with one of his arms propped on the armrest, his left occasionally came up to rub his chin and pull at his bread, this habit was known to him when he was in deep thought or when he was angry, at this point the later was obviously the reason.

Baba let out a deep sigh, he sat forward staring at both his and his brother's children, and all the children were present both the women and men except Abdul whom was running late for reasons best known to him.

They were all seated on a rug placed on the floor, they were all clearly uncomfortable and fidgeting due to the tension that seems to be permeating the room, both Dada and Mamaan Zara sat on the same couch, placed at angle adjacent to that of Baba's and kawu., Mamaan Zara sat awkwardly with worry written all over her face, while Dada was seated calmly taking in the scene unfolding before her.

Baba's attention was mainly on the individuals whom were the cause of this impromptu family meeting, he stared from the two boys, who both spotted a black eye, to the tiny little girl who was weeping heavily in between them, with a fading blue hand print on her cheek, he sigh tuning to his younger brother, whose face was twisted up into various emotions ranging from anger to sadness and finally the one which confused him the most, shame, for the first time in years his baby brother was looking old and worn out.

At that moment the sitting room door opened gently with a low cricking sound and a salaam soon followed, Abdul walked forwarder into the room, looking confused at the scene before him, he worked toward Dada and his mother in-law, kneeling he greeted them softly, and the murmured an answer to him, the he proceeded to greet Baba and kawu, they both just waved him off and gestured for him to take a sit. He sat beside his elder brother Ya Jabir and Ya Idris, he want so badly to ask them what was happening but saved his curiosity for later, of course Abdul was yet to notice his facially bruised siblings.

Baba cleared his throat and broke the silence.

'so Fauziya, you actually saw karamin Abba, yan na shan taba, kin gan shi da idon ki?" gesturing to his eyes use both index finger.

Fauziya nodded in answer, Dada scoffed from where she was seated her face twisting up in anger.

''Aminu what do you have to say for yourself, are you going to defend yourself'' Baba continued with a calm tone ignoring his wife, ranging anger directed at mainly his son, Aminu gutted his insides, but he kept a cool and expressionless face, like the saying before chaos comes the calm and quiet.

''no, Abba, I will take full responsibility for my actions, I am so sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen'' Aminu answered his voice cracking and his head bowed in shame.

All the while Abdul sat confused at what was going on in front of him, his attention torn between this situation and his ailing wife back at home, his eyes kept wondering to his phone held tightly between his hands.

"Karamin Abba'' kawu spoke up for the first time, 'how long have you been into this' he continued referring to little Aminu's drug addiction.

"just six months kawu" Aminu answered,
'ehen just six months, amma yaron nan ba'a kada hankali, just six months, aren't you shamed mara kunya' Ya Idris spoke up angrily.

'Idris came down,'' Abba said, turning to Luqman" oga supper hero, vigilante, master of all angry people, violence is all you know Ehen, kai ma ba'a kada hankali, baka tunanin ne, now tell me what you have achieved from your anger fit' Abba said eyeing Luqman while crossing his hand across his chest, causing Luqman to look away in shame.

"Wallah Yaya, I don't know what to do with this boy and his anger problem, I am scared he will end up beating his wife when he is married' Kawu complained massaging his forehand.
'haba Daddy, how can you say that' Luqman grumbled in anger.

"baza ka yi shuru ba' Maman Zara said scolding her son.

'' so this meeting was called because of this three, especially this two idiots Aminu and Luqman" Baba said in a booming voice, 'this should serve as a warning to the rest of you, that wants to misbehave, an d soil the Bawa family name. Aminu! I have decided that from this day onwards you will no longer receive a penny from me and you will be shipped off to a rehab in institute in the UK'

Luqman began to laugh mockingly at Aminu, but what soon cutoff by Baba 'you think you will be left behind'" Baba said with sacarsim, "Gambo from today don't give a single penny"
Baba said staring intensely at his brother, 'Non of you should send both of them ko Naira biyar, or you will have me to deal with' he said to the children and also Dada and Maman Zara.

Luqman stared widely his month wide open in surprise and confusion, "Abba" he said frantically trying to appeal his case, but Baba interrupted '" ka yimun shiru, you are also going to the UK with Aminu, for Anger management, you both will round up your studies there, and you'' Baba said turning his attention to Fauziya.

Fauziya gulped, fear permeating her body making her shiver, "Naam Abba", she answered in a quivering voice, her eyes swollen and red due to all that crying.

''when is your next holiday'" he asked

"next month"she answered

"okay get ready, you and your sisters will go for umrah, would you like that?'"

She looked up at him in surprise, before nodding her head in answer.
"ok so crying now, wipe your eyes", he said to her, making her wiping her eyes with the back of her hands.

Hey guys.......😶
I know, I know I am a sh**t head 💔

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