Chapter 7

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How I envision Hajiya Hauwa above

A few days later
Bawa's residence
2:56 pm
Unknown's pov

"what kind of mother are you Hauwa?" I asked fraining disbelief.
"you will allow your son to marry a retard, a.. a.. a.. disabled girl"
"the kind of mother who respects her child's decisions" she answered turning away from me.
"Abdulhamid is a sweet naive boy, he is too kind for his own good and it is your job to ensure that people don't take advantage of him!" I yelled pointing a finger at her
"Maimunat is not taking advantage of him, she is going to make a good wife" she defended
"I good wife you say, she cannot take care of her own self talk more of a husband or children, my dear you are allowing your son to condemn himself to a life of taking care of his retarded wife and maybe even having no children!" I said acting hysterical
"no.... That can't be, that is not true" she said shaking her head in denial.
   I walked over to her, taking hold of both her hands
"we both know Abdulhamid is too sweet to marry a second wife, he wouldn't be able to live with the guilt, you can't allow this to happen" I continued
She stared at me in despair, tear running down her cheeks.
"what should I do" she asked looking at me in dependence.
I hugged her "you know what to do" I whispered in her ears.
She pulled away from me, looking at me one more time before practically running out the room.
" and it begins" I said a sly smile forming on my lips as I watched the door slam shut.

Hauwa's pov

"over my dead body" I said making my way into my husband's office. Where my husband, Abdulhamid and Gambo were seated in deep discussion.
"Excuse me?" my husband asked an eyebrow slightly raised
" I forbid this marriage, it shall take place over my dead body!" I screamed hysterically
"Hauwa.." Aminu warned, his frown deepened.
" I shall not be intimidated, my son is not going to marry a retard" I continued eyeing Gambo in the process.
"Dada!" Abdulhamid scolded getting up  in shock
"kada ka qara samin baki" I warned pointing a finger at him
"Yaya I think I should take my leave" Gambo said getting up.
"OK  I will call you later" Aminu said nodding to his brother.
"toh sai anjima" Gambo said nodding at me.
"sakarai" I hissed eyeing him, while he just walked out quietly making me feel a little guilty.
  Am doing this for my son...
"Dada this isn't right" Abdulhamid reasoned
"Kai!" I shouted 
"in kayi kuskure ka aure yarinya nan, sai na sa maka baki"
"Mama!" he yelled bewildered
"Abdulhamid you can leave, I will talk to you later" Aminu said still staring intensely at me
Abdulhamid just nodded and left
"Aminu" I started
"if you love me and respect me as your wife call of this entire thing off" I pleaded.
"Hauwa give me one good reason and your wish is my command"
"she is autistic, she can't make a good wife" I answered.
He stared at me silently, getting up he walked over to me, looking down at me in disappointment.
"I don't know what has gotten into you, but it better gets revolved quickly and as for the wedding it is happening, with or without you" he said calmly and walked out.

Oho 😣 Hauwa is so easily influenced
Oya who wants a Maimuna's pov
PS: vote and comment please

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