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Imam specialist hospital
2 weeks later
Lami’s pov

This past few weeks have been really hard for Lami, her looked older and tired, she had also lost some weight, but her troubles were nothing compared to that of her baby girl, but Alhamdulilah with the help pf sheik Ibrahim she was finally getting better.

Anytime Lami looked at her daughter lying on the hospital bed fighting for her life, Lami’s hate for Hauwa grew immensely, she had always tried to be a good sister in law and a good friend to her but this was the evil she had paid her back with, what a vile wicked woman, Lami thought as dhe stared down at her daughter’s sleeping from.

More times than she could count her husband and brother in law, had tried to get her to talk to Hauwa for the past few weeks, but she had avoid the discussion like a plague, even the children had begin to notice the friction between them.

Lami was not a woman who displayed her anger, she was an avoider by nature, always shying away from confrontations, but not this time, this time she would fight to the end of the world for her daughter.

She opened her bag and removed the note book and pen she had brought from home and left Maimuna’s hospital room to find her family at the waiting room, on entering the room she went straight to where Abdul sat and handed him the book and pen.

Abdul stared up at her in confusion, he looked older to her more matured, stressed even, his eyes were blood shot from not getting enough sleep, he had lost some weight too, the light blue kaftan hung a little lose on his frame.

"Umma?". he question still looking up at her, her actions had also attracted the attention of the family member.

"I want you to divorce my daughter, you can tear a pice of paper from the book or write it in the book for all I care". she instructed pointion at the pen and book she had handed to him.

"Ehen? Umma?". Abdul said standing up, his eyes wide in shock, the look of despair on hias face almost made Lami feel guilty.

"Lami what are you doing?’’. Gambo said coming to stand beside his wife, Aminu and Hauwa close behind him, the children in the room sat sliently in shock.

"Gambo please don’t try to stop me’’. Lami pleaded with her husband, she turned back to her Abdul.

"Abdulhamid what are you waiting for?”.

Abdul looked at her, then back at his Kawu, “wallahi Kawu, I know I made a mistake but I am sorry it wont happen again”. Abdul said going down on his knees to plead with his wife’s parents.

Hauwa on seeing the condition her son was in tried to interfere, “lami I am sure……”.

"will you shut up Hauwa”. Lami screamed shocking all the occupants in the room yet again. “oh you think you are the only one that loves your children ko, toh you see that girl you despise so much, I carried her for nine months in my womb, I love her to pieces, I know she isn’t perfect but Allah made her that way, so I have dicided to let your prerious son go, you should be happy now, isn’t that what you wanted”. Lami screamed, her voice filled with pain, she glared at Hauwa before turning back to her husband.

"Gambo is either you make him divorce her or you divorce me”. she instructed giving him an ultimatum.

“Lami what are you doing”. Gambo whispered, he was lost, he loved his wife too much to divorce her and he respected his brother to much to ask Abdul to divorce Maimuna, he was torn.

"Abdulhamid ka rubuta saki daya”. Aminu instructed, speaking up for the first time.

"Baba please don’t make me, Umma…..please, kawu dan Allah……Dada…..Dada”. Abdul sobbed broken heartedly appealing to anyone who could come to his aid.

"Trust me son”. Aminu said encouragingly.

Abdul hesitated but did as his father instructed and handed the items back to Lami, whom placed them back into her bag.

“toh Abdul I will give you time to come to terms with your new reality and in the next to weeks I will come back for the remaining two’’. Lami said watching Abdul closely as he got back on his feet. "and if you refuse I assure you I will take the matter to court”. she finished.
“Umma…..” he started but she interrupted him.

“you should blame your Mother for this predicament you have found youself in found yourself in and Hauwa I don’t want to ever see you close to any of my children again or you won't like what I will do to you and I hope you are happy now that you have ruined this family” she finished before walking out.

"I am sorry". Gambo muttered to his brother unable to look him in his eyes, before following his wife out.

Ramadan Mubarak


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