chapter 11

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   Bawa companies
Abdul's pov

   I walked into my father's office, he was sitted behind his desk reading some files  and sipping from a cup, which probably contained hot tea.
"asalamualikum" I said walking towards him.
He looked up dropping the files in his hand, "WA alaikumulsalam Abdul" he answered, " take a sit he said gesturing to the sit opposite to him.
" I hope everything is alright" I said nervously taking the sit.
" Alhamdulilah" he answered
" I just received a call from your uncle Gambo" he continued taking a sip from his cup. Causing my heart to beat faster, I wiped my sweaty palms on my trousers, as I anticipated his next words.
" well Maimunat has agreed to the marriage" he continued grinning.
"oh Alhamdulilah" I said placing my hand on my chest.
  "Abdul" Abba said leaning forward, he clasped his hands together on his desk.
"You do know a lot of people are against this marriage?" he asked with a serious expression , I just nodded in response.
"are you sure you can deal with the pressure and negativity while protecting Maimunat from the criticism"
I nodded "In sha Allah Abba, I will try my best"
He stared at me silently for a moment, then nodded "I trust you"
"your uncle and I have decided to set the wedding celebrations next week, just a small dinner and the nikkah that's all, since Maimuna has a problem with crowdy and rowdy environment" he continued.
"thank you Abba" I said grinning.
"I have discussed with your aunt and uncle in Kano, I also sent your aunt some money to go to Dubai to prepare the kayan lefe, since your mother refused" he said frowning slightly.
  "thank you Abba" I said again, feeling a little down, what has Maimuna ever done to Dada.
"you should get a house, your kawu is going to bring in the furnitures this weekend, o don't want her staying in the family home" he finished, I just need in response
"now don't be lazy, go back to work" he shooing me away, I just chuckled stood up and left.

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