chapter 8

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Maimuna's dress above

Gambo's residence
5:18 Pm
Maimunat's  pov
    They said I wasn't right in the head, not normal, incapable, a flaw, they thought I couldn't think for myself, I couldn't fend for myself.
       I could still remember secondary school when I was bullied for being different, despite being the best student in my class, I was always left on the sidelines because every one was scared of how I would react to every little thing.
     Some of my teachers even tried to persuade Baba to take me to a school for 'people like me', a school for special children but he insisted I attend normal school, even threatened to sue. And yet he wanted to marry me.
        I sighed staring at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't recognize myself, I wore a beautiful red dress which complimented my skin nicely.
    "you look beautiful ya meems" fauziya complimented, staring at me in aw.
  "Thank you" I replied a little on edge
I was on the verge of a full blown panic, why would he want to marry me?
Was it pity?, I was flawed after all, I over react when a sound was too loud, I didn't like it when there were any spontaneous change in my routine, I hated new things, places or people 
  did he actually like me?.....
        This was our first meeting after he proposed or volunteered to marry me, at least I was given a choice in the matter, after this meeting I was to decide if I wanted to marry him or not.
      Nafisa placed her hand on my shoulder giving me a firm squeeze
"don't worry everything will be okay" she said hugging me from behind, I could only nod giving her a small smile, just then someone knocked at the door causing my heart to fall to the pit of my stomach.
    "come in" fauziya answered
Umma came in a broad smile on her face, which only widen after she sighted me.
  "you look beautiful my dear" she complimented, her eyes filled with unshed tears.
"umma....." I sobbed losing control of my emotions.
Umma stared at me for a moment "Nafisa, fauziya go down and inform Abdul that she is coming" she instructed taking a sit on my bed.
  "come here dear" she said once they had left the room.
   I rushed over to her, falling into her arms and she began to gently rock us to and fro, I held on to her so tightly that my fingers began to dig into skin, but she didn't wince nor complaint.
  "is this a good thing" I asked
"of course it's a good thing" she answered, her voice choked up with emotions
"do you think he likes me umma?"
"Abdul adores you my dear" she answered gently patting at my back.
"do you like him?" she asked staring down at me, I blushed a little averting my gaze.
"he..he is handsome" answered in a small voice, smiling a little.
"I think someone has a crush" she laughed, getting up and pulling me up with her.
"now it is time to meet your groom" she said gently guideing me out the door.
We walked down the stairs and into the sitting room where Baba and Ya Abdul were engrossed in conversation, Baba laughing a little from something Ya Abdul had said.
  I quickly hid behind Umma when she cleared her throat to get their attention.
  " Ya Abdul your bride is here" Fauziya said giggling from were she was arranging small chops on the dinning table.
I peeked at him from where I hid behind Umma, he smiled nervously getting up and scratching the the back of his head.
Alhamdulilah I wasn't the only nervous one.
  Umma quickly stepped to the side exposing me to all, a blush rose to my cheeks as we made eye contact, I quickly looked away but not before I caught the look in his eyes.
  He was looking at me in  a way no one has ever looked at me before, I wasn't familiar with that look it was different, a little...... intimate.
My cheeks grew hotter as I blushed even more, at that moment I felt like red hot chilli.
  Then he fell, Ya Abdul stumbled on thin air and fell face first to the ground.

Hmmmmmmmm 😁
why did Abdulhamid fall?🤔
Okay finally Maimuna's first pov
Don't forget to vote and comment, love you guys 😘



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