chapter 13

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  Gambo's residence
After Nikkah
Abdul's pov

     Everyone was crying, well I mean all the women present, red puffy eyes everywhere I turned, I felt a little guilty, but seriously all I wanted was to take my wife home. I, Baba, kawu and kawu Ibrahim, with the rest of my male siblings and cousins have been sitting in the parlour since we came back from the Mosque after the duren aure for almost an hour now.

   I looked down at my watch, which read 6:04pm, that makes it 1hr 4mins, I sighed picking up my drink and taking a sip.

  "what is wrong with this women" kawu complained "how long does it take to say goodbye, it is not like they won't see her again" he grunt.

  " Yallah Gambo just admit it your are also missing your daughter already" Kawu Ibrahim teased, "he has been grumpy since we got back from the nikkah" he continued laughing.

Kawu just glared at him, if looks could kill, kawu Ibrahim would probably be six feet under by now.

"leave him alone Lamido" Abba said chuckling

   Just then bridal native songs filled the air, as the new bride descend the stairs, she was dressed in all white, with a beautiful white flowing veil, her face entirely covered. Fauziya stood beside her guilding her steps, she guided her towards us.

They walked passed me Nafisa trailing behind them, I took a deep breath getting a sniff of my wife's scent, they all knelt in front of Abba paying their respects, he greeted them in return, then blessed the bride and preached to her a little, then they did the same to Kawu Ibrahim.

   When it was Kawu's turn he stood up to hug her, whispering something into her ears making her sob, her shoulders shook violently, while he patted her back, he took her hand and gestured for me to come over, I stood up and walked to them, he then took my hand and placed her hand in mine.

"here is my daughter Abdulhamid now your wife, na baka amana" he said staring at me teary eyed.

Abba stood up patting him on the back, they shook hands and hugged each other, the entire room erupted in cheers, laughter and prayers,  everyone came to hug and congratulate us, a few advice here and there, I was dazed the entire time, she was finally mine all mine, I thought smiling secretly to myself.

"OK let's be on our way" Abba said clapping his hands together, we were lead out side, where the cars were parked.

They were about 10 cars arranged in a straight line, I lead Maimuna and fauziya to a white BMW, opening the car door for them, I whispered into her ear.

  "let's go home just you and I" 

   she didn't respond, she hesitated a little, turning back to look for someone before Fauziya placed her hand on her back and gently urged her forward, she got into the car fauziya sliding in beside her, I walked to a black Range Rover parked in front of the BMW, I opened the door and got in.

   Ya Jabir was already sitting at the drivers seat, " let's take my wife home" I said grinning sheepishly, he laughed putting the car into gear.

"Have some shame Abdulhamid, at least act shy in front of your older brother" he teased, I just snorted and relaxed back in my seat as he drove out of the driveway.

Maimuna was now Mrs Maimuna Abdulhamid Bawa, my wife and the love of my life, yes I have finally admitted to myself, no more denying it, I am in love with my Belle.

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