chapter 12

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   Wedding day
Dinner/eve of the nikkah
Gambo's residence
Maimuna's pov

   I stared at the mirror, taking a deep breath I wasn't prepared for this, I can't believe I was about to become someone's wife, I Maimuna, I blushed a little standing up to get a better look at my dress, which was a beautiful blue gown.

  I sighed rubbing my sweaty palms on my dress I turned to look at Umma, her eyes were filled up with tears, she clapped her hands together smiling broadly.

"you look beautiful" she complimented hugging me.

Just then someone knocked on the door,

"yes?" Umma answered and Nafisa's popped up

"Ya Abdul is here"

"OK tell him she is coming  down now" Umma instructed

  My heart began to beat faster and little butterflies fluttered in my tummy, I placed my hand on my tummy trying to catch my breath.

"take deep breaths" Umma whispered, patting my back "it's just a little dinner, just some family and friends nothing to worry about" she said pecking my cheek, I just nodded in response.

  We walked out the door and down the stairs, Ya Abdul stood at the bottom of the stairs with Luqman beside him, they were both backing us until Luqman turned and caught sight of me, he smiled and tapped gently on Abdul's back.

    Ya Abdul turned the smile on his face slowly fading away, he stared at me Intensely, the weird look from the other day was back again which made me uncomfortable, I just wanted to turn around and hightail back to my room.

  As If Umma read my mind, she tightened her hold on my arm, half way down the stairs Luqman walked up taking my hand in his and placed it around his arm.

"you look beautiful" he said smiling down at me, I smiled slightly saying a thank you in response, he lead me down the remaining stairs and towards Abdul.

" Your wife" Luqman said to Abdul making me blush even more.

"Thank you"  Ya Abdul said laughing, he hugged Luqman tightly patting his back.

  After the hug he looked back at me smiling brightly, " May I" he asked picking up my hand, I just nodded in reply. He placed a soft kiss on the back of my hand, then turned it and placed another on my inner palm.

  I looked down at the ground, aware of all the people looking at us, he placed my hand around his arm just as Luqman had done and lead me outside and towards a black tinted Benz, he opened the door for me and help me settle in before walking to the other side and got in, as soon as he was settled the driver started the car and took off.

  He turned to me taking my hand in his
"We are in this together,  just you and I"
I stared up at his intense eyes mesmerized "do you understand" he asked desperately.
  "yes.." I choked out squeezing his hand "just you and I" I whispered making him smile brightly, he brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it again, causing my entire body to warm up.

What was this man doing to me, I thought placing me hand on my chest, trying to still the fluttering butterflies there.

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