chapter 10

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Next day
Bawa's Residence
Unknown's pov

"you should see the way he looked at her kulu, the way he breathed in her essence like a man starved of oxygen" I explained sitting in front of her.
  " he looked like an addict about to get his next fix, he looked like a man in love, but do you know the must mysterious fact of all?" I asked and she shooked her head in response.
  "how does a man who sees a woman as nothing but a sister in one day and is maddly in love with her the next, how is that possible in such a short period of time?" I asked standing up from the floor and sitting down majestically on her bed.
  "what are you insinuating"she asked her breath coming in little gasps.
       "they had some help Hauwa, it is obvious, and what ever they did has sank it claws deep into your son, you should have seen Abdul yesterday, you should have seen him" I said in distress.
"I fear for his life" I sobbed
"what should I do?" she asked in panic getting up, she stumbled a little rushing towards me, she took a seat beside me on the bed and held my hands tightly.
"what should I do?" she asked staring up at me with tired eyes.
What a weakling, I chuckled.
" I know of this Mallam...."
" NO!!"  She interrupted "you know I don't like those type of things" she said turning away from me.
I laughed in response moving closer to her.
"you know Abdul doesn't only look at Maimunat with love" I whispered
"he also looks at her the way a man looks at his woman, he stares at her with lust, he is completely understand her control" I said staring at her through narrowed eyes.
"when shall we be visiting this your mallam" she asked her face twisting up in anger, which only made my grin widen.

Guys I need some motivation😥
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