chapter 9

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Above fuaziya and Nafisa respectively

Gambo residence
Abdul's pov
   I looked at her, like really looked at her, it was like I was seeing her for the first time, she was gorgeous, she was perfect and she was all mine, my little Belle.
  I tried to walk towards her but my toe got caught in the center carpet, making me stumble, I tried to catch myself but it was already to late I fell face first to the ground.
  Ya Allah please let the ground spilt open and swallow me whole, please let this be a bad dream.
"oho Abdulhamid are you alright?" Kawu asked trying to suppress his laughter.
He helped me to my feet, brushing off the invisible dirt.
"Abdulhamid are you all right? Did you break anything?" Anuty Lami asked rushing towards me.
  I sat back down, placing my face in my hands in embarrassment.
  "Ya Abdul are you ok?" fauziya asked patting at me back.
  "I am fine" I answered brushing her off.
"it's just that, that isn't the way I imagined the beginning of this meeting" I sighed, looking at Maimuna.
  Maimuna erupted in laughter, bending over to clutch her stomach, she giggled so hard she had to support herself on the nearest wall, making me smile a little, she looked more beautiful while she was laughing.
My heart began beat a little faster but in a pleasant way, I felt warm and complete inside seeing her laugh, her presence seemed to make everything brighter.
  This feeling was entirely new to me, Was I falling in love? If this was love then I was doomed.
  "Maimuna where have your manners gone to" kawu scolded
  She quickly composed herself, blushing a little, she cleared her throat.
"sorry" she said in a small voice looking away.
She smile was gone, "the smile.....I love your smile" I said awestrucked completely forgetting myself and the presence of the people around us, making her blush even more, she looked like a rose.
"Ya Abdul" Nafisa gasped, "lower your gaze"she said giggling.
I removed my fula and fanned my face, the room was suddenly too hot even with the air conditioner, the day was not going too well.
"Toh kowa ya fita, let's give the couple some privacy" Kawu said clapping his hands together and shooing everyone out.
  "except you Fauziya, you are the chaperone, you can sit at the dinning area" he instructed.
"and you maimunat come here"he said gesturing for her to come him.
  He placed his hand on her shoulders and sat her besides me leaving some gap between us.
"we will talk later" he said pecking her on the forehead and left the room taking every one with him.
  The room was silent for a while, a little awkward, I stared at her while she looked at everything else but me, pulling continuously at the heam of her sleeves.
  "Maimuna" I called out gently, but she didn't respond.
  "Belle" I said again gaining her attention, she stared at me for a moment but quickly averted her eyes again.
  "yes I have decided to call you my Belle, you are perfect, unique" he whispered looking down at her.
  She shook her head in response, different emotions reflecting from her beautiful eyes.
  "no not... Not perfect, flawed" she said biting her lips.
I chuckled "anyone that thinks you aren't perfect is a moron" I said making her She smiled a little.
    Hesitantly I lifted my hand and stroked her cheek, letting my finger trail down her chin, I stroked her lips gently making her gasp in surprise.
"Belle....Beautiful" I sighed.
  "Ya Abdul" someone said making me  jerk a little.
"It's time" fauziya said gently slapping my hand away, how did she get here?
"I have been calling out your name since, but your attention was some where else" she said grinning down at me.
  She took hold of Maimuna's hand and pulled her up.
"wait...." I protested getting up.
  She giggled a little and ran out the room, dragging Maimuna along.

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