chapter 15

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Next morning
Abdul's and Maimuna's residence
5:45 Am
Mainuna's pov

    I woke up to a dark room, sitting up on the bed and wiping at my face because I was sweating profusely, even in the air conditioned room.

Where am I?

I got up slowly from the bed and stood on my two shaky legs, I walked towards the only source of light, my heart banging against my ribs as if looking for an escape, my breath came in cloudy puffs. I clutched at my night shift adjusting it a little trying to make some kind room for my frantically beating heart, but the discomfort in my cheat only worsened.

I anxiously banged at my chest to relieve the pressure, crumbling to the floor, gasping for air, the room tilted on its axis, the environment slowly fading away around me.

  I was going to die, I thought to myself, I was going to die alone.

   Just at that unnerving moment, the entire room flooded with light, I could hear a distant voice calling to me, but I was already too far gone, I felt the sensation of being lifted and carried, a few minutes later I was placed gently on a cold hard floor, which made me flinch, I tried to lift my arms but my limbs were so heavy, holding me down, then I heard running water.

Abdul's pov

    I placed her down gently on the tiled floor of the bathroom, and quickly turned on the tap in the bath tub, tasting the water with the back of my palm, it felt warm, I picked her up and placed her in the bath tub getting in with her, my anxiously beating heart palpitates with terror literally choking me.

  "Maimuna" I called out my voice quivering "my Belle come back to me" I whispered softly into her ears, pouring water on her and gently washing her face, her eyes twitched a little, making my heart flutter with hope.

" that is it Mainuna, breath for me, breath" I urged, hugging her loosely. "let your heart beat with mine.

Her hand came up slowly and wrapped around the nape of my neck, as warmth slowly returned to her body, I stared down at her, watching her eyelids flutter open.

  She stared up at me dazed, "Ya Abdul?, where am I?"

"shhh, you had a panic attack, you are in our home Maimuna, remember yesterday?" I asked softly.

She looked a little confused at first, "our wedding?" I continued trying to jug her memory, her face lit up as yesterday's events came flooding back to her.

She nodded slowly, "I am sorry" she said blushing.

" no it is my fault, I shouldn't have left you alone " I said guiltily, "but don't ever do that to me again, I almost had an heart attack" said dramatically placing my hand over my chest, "maybe a few grey hair too" I joked trying to lighten the mood.

She tried to give me a shaky smile, but failed miserably, her body was still coming out of shock, making her shiver slightly, I lifed her from the bath tub and placed her on her two feets, she stumbled grabbing hold of my shirt, while I caught her instantly.

"are you okay" I asked wrapping a towel around her, she answered with a shaky nod.

"okay why don't you change your clothes and perform ablution, so we can perform subhi together".

She nodded, holding on to the towel, I turned to leave but hesitated, "on second thought I am not too sure I should be leaving you alone".

"I am fine" she said with a cracking voice pushing me out the door, shutting it close behind me.

ping! ping!, I is an update.
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😍 love you guys.

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