chapter 14

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Abdulhamid' s residence
  Abdul's pov

    I walked towards the master bedroom where my wife was in waiting for me with 3 different waterproof bags containing grilled fish, chicken and suya, since I had no idea which she preferred.

I knocked awkwardly on the door but no answer came from the other side, I opened the door and peeked in.

  There she was sitting at the center of bed, he body practically wrapped in a large blue veil.

   "asalamualikum" I greeted walking in and placing the package on the nighstand, I sat awkwardly at the extreme end of the bed, making her shift a little, I cleared my throat moving closer.

"ermmm Maimuna I am going to remove the veil now" I said shifting closer to her, she still didn't respond, so I placed my hands on both sides of the veil and peeled it back exposing her face, she stared up at me with red, scared puffy eyes, sniffing a little making me feel like the big bad wolf.

I sat back on the heels of my foot looking down at her. "Masha Allah" I said smiling, "you are beautiful I complimented getting up, she just stared up at me with suspecting eyes.

"okay......let's pray" said crashing the back of my head, a little disoriented, we both got up and performed ablution, I placed a large praying mat on the floor to accommodate both of us and she went to stand behind me.

"no"I said gently pulling her forward to my side, "stand beside me, let's pray side by side".

After praying she sat on the bed maintaining her silence. "you are not saying anything and that is making me nervous" I said rubbing my tummy, "OK I brought some snacks if you are hungry, it's on the night stand, I can get some drinks from the fridge if you want" I said pointing to the direction of the little fridge at a corner in the room.

   Hmmm, I sighed scratching my chin, she was still quite what was I doing wrong, should I call Ya Jabir or fuziyah for some advice no no, that would be too embarrassing and I would never hear the end of it, I would rather get a how to converse with your wife for dummies book.

"let me just take my bath then I will join you" I said turning and making my way to the bathroom.

"NO! " she yelled making me turn around.

"no? "  I asked staring at her confused, "no I shouldn't take a bath?".

"no! You can't kiss me........on......the lips..cheeks or anywhere else" she screamed glaring at me.

"what?" I asked bewildered

"they told me everything and can' can't do any of that either" she screamed crossing her arms across her chest, "that is just...disgusting" she said panting.

Oh God what did they tell her?

  " they told me that....." at that moment I lunged for her pushing her flat on the bed, covering her mouth with both hands.

"honestly Maimuna I don't want to know what they told you" I said breathless, "but I will appreciate it if you kept it to yourself"  I said glaring down at her.

She nodded sharply in response, looking at me bemused, I stood up pulling her up with me and adjusted my kaftan.

"I will be in the next room, if you need me" I said walking over to the dresser and pulled out some clothes, "if not see you in the morning" I said walking towards the room exit.

"But..." she gasped.

"no buts" I said shushing her, placing my hand on the door handle I looked over to her, her cheeks were flushed making her look really cute.

"honestly I feel really molested" I said curtly, making her blush even more, I turned around and walked out the room, smiling secretly to myself and trying to keep my laughter at bay.

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