Chapter 4

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Maimunat above

      On getting to kawu's study, I knocked on the door
  "Come in" kawu answered
"Asalamu alaikum" I said entering
"Abdul Kai ne, shigo" he said smiling at me
"your father called me, he told me about your errand" he continued
"you can keep it in the safe over there" he said pointing to the far corner of the room.
  I did as instructed and quickly went down on one knee to greet him, Abba right beside me.
" ina wuni kawu"
"no need for that, Abba so you came too, how are you? How is school?"
  He said staring at Abba with his glasses slightly pulled down.
"Alhamdulilahi kawu" he answered
"you can go Abba, I know it's Food that is disturbing you now" he said teasingly.
  "Abdul come and sit" he continued as Abba practically ran out of the room.
  "you mother called" he said smirking
"she wanted me to talk to you about marriage" he continued
"kawu am not read....."
"Baba??" a voice spoke up from some where in the room
"gani nan Maimuna" Kawu quickly answered.
    A beautiful lady sat up from a couch just behind us, she was light skinned, with long beautiful curly hair and a knitted blue cap on her head, she wore a beautiful long green dress and a blue large over sized cardigan on it.
  "Maimumat" I said smiling at her
She didn't answer nor make eye contact with me.
"Baba!" she said rubbing her sleepy eyes
"gani nan, Maimunat" kawu answered patiently.
  "In'na jin yinwa" she answered gently rocking to and fro,
  "toh in kira ummi ta kawu maki abinchi ko?" Kawu said gently
She nodded an answer, gently tugging at her hair.
  Maimuna is a beautiful lady, almost perfect, but she had one flaw which caused her to be stigmatized by the society. She had autism.
  Kawu had tried to get her married several times but despite her father's social and economical standing she was not considered to be a good wife material, but Masha Allah I heard she got engaged recently.
  "kawu don't worry I will take her to your private parlour and get some food for her" I said quickly getting up.
  I walked over to Maimunat, holding my hand out to her
"Meems" I said gently to her
"come let's get you something to eat"
She didn't respond at first, but later took my hand hesitantly, still not making eye contact.
  I bade good bye to kawu, and we quickly made our way to kawu's private parlour, since Maimunat often had bad reactions to loud noises or unfamiliar faces.

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