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Bawa's residence
8:25 pm

”can I at l at least say something?’ dada spoke up for the first time, her gaze scanned around the room until it landed on the reason oh her anger.

”Bismilla hajiya’” Abba answered

"Fauziya, wa toh, it isn’t enough that you, your useless mother, and that your moron of a sister brainwashed my son into marrying against his will"

"ke!!!! Hauwa ba’a kida hankali!’” Baba interrupted looking at her in shock.

“Alhaji ka bar ni, in ce abun da yake chikin zuciya ta. Abun de yake damun na", Dada said standing up while rearranging her wrapper; she turned back to Fuziya to continue her rant before Abba could say anything.

"Now you people have collided to lie on and beat up another son, toh wallahi baku isa ba, not this time", she continued

"Haba hajiya Hauwa, no one is your enemy here’” Kawu said in disappointment.

"kai, kaka Kara sa’a mun baki!!!’” she shouted pointing at kawu.

"Haba hajiya, mai yayi zafi haka?’” Mamaan Zara asked moving to the edge of her sit, looking up at Dada, all of a sudden the woman she had known for the past 30 something years was gone, and was now replaced by an angry bitter woman.

"Witch!" Dada shouted directing her anger at her mai yayi zafi KO? Toh you and your children should better leave me and mine alone, you might have brainwashed Alhaji but nafi karfin ku, hmmmm” Dada continued laughing and clapping her hands like a lunatic.

"Dada calm down” Idris said getting up ‘”let’s talk about this privately and not in front of the young ones’” he said gently walking towards his mother.

"oya ku tashi ku fita’” Jabir said getting up too.

"ok lets all go and eat dinner, Mayan su chi gaba da Magana” Maryam said
Hadiza turned to Fatima Zara, "you will help me cook dinner right? You know how we all love your danwake right’’ she said giving Zara a small smile.

”Naam, I will help’” she answered smiling awkwardly

"Hadiza, ba’a kida hankali KO, none of you should eat anything prepared by this witch and her children’” Dada warned pointing her finger at Mamaan Zara whom was still seated her mouth wide open in shock.

  Just then Abdul’s phone rang interrupting his mother’s fit, he was still seated on the floor, staring at his mother as if she had grown 2 heads, he had never seen her act so hostile in his life, his phone rang again cutting off his train of thought, he stood up slowly staring down at the screen, which read Ladidi in bold black letters, causing his heart to skip a beat.

“Hello” he said forgetting to say salaam

“Alhaji ka dawo kida…………dan Allah ka dawo kida” Ladidi begged her voice quivering.

“Mai ya faru” he asked panicked.

“Ban zan iya ba, ka dawo kida” she answered practically crying.

"Toh gani nan zuwa”’ he said ending the call and turning to leave.

“Abdulhamid where do you think you are going?” Dada asked stopping him in his tracks.

“I am going home Dada” he answered turning to look at her.

“You couldn’t even tell your mother good bye” she said gently her voice filled with affection for her son, “come, follow me to my room I want to discuss something with you” she said gesturing for him to come with her.

“I am sorry Dada, I have something urgent to take care of at home, I will come back to see you tomorrow”

“ohhhhh, so now you are trying to say, that retarded thing you call a wife is now more important than I, your mother, I can see, the idiot and her mother has tied you well, toh ni Kulu zan kawnce”

“Hauwa what has gotten into you” Baba said getting up in anger, while Kawu and his wife remained silent looking at her in surprise and disappointment.

“Mama” Abdul said calmly “I respect you a lot and I really love you, but if you continue on this part, you will lose my respect. Kawu, Ummi” he said facing his in-laws, “I am so sorry about all this, I would have stayed till everything was settled but I have something urgent to take care of”

“No problem Abdul” kawu said waving him off. While Mamaan Zara just smiled weakly.

“Abba said a safe” he said kneeling to greet his father.

“Toh Allah ya kai mu” Baba answered
Abdul stood up to walked way on getting to the door he stopped and turned to his mother whom was staring at him with pain and anguish, her eyes teary, guilt made its way into his heart but he pushed it way.

“Dada I hope you will be calm tomorrow In sha Allah, and I promise to make you your favorite dish, if you stop calling my wife a retard, I know you don’t mean, I know you are just angry, I love you mama, said a safe” he said and walked out.

Dada collapsed on the chair she had vacated a while back, sobbing heavy, “they have stolen my son, yaro na” she sobbed clutching at her chest.

“Yaya, I will come back tomorrow when everyone is calmer” he said standing up.

“Toh sai da safe”Baba said standing up and shaking his brother hand.

“Toh Maman Zara bismillah” he said gesturing for his wife to stand up, both husband and wife walked out, after extending their greetings top hajiya Dada.

Hey I am sorry I didn't update sooner
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