Conspiracies and results

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1 month later
Lami’s pov

“Thank you Barrister Hassan”. Lami said ending the phone call with her lawyer, he had called to tell her that their first court hearing had been scheduled for next week finally, since Abdul had refused to bulge, then a judge order might give him some sense.

For the 7th time that day Lami, spotted her daughter hightailing towards her bedroom.

“Maimuna mai yake damun ki ne?” Lami asked following close behind her daughter, she watch as Maimuna crouch over the water closet heaving.

Lami could feel the tremble from the tip of her toes to the center of her head, she left her heaving Daughter and went to sit on her bed, waiting patiently for the episode to be over, she heard flushing then running tap before Maimuna finally emerged from the bathroom, she looked weak and tried, could it be?, no way, ahan no haba no, Lami thought examining her daughter closely.

“Maimuna zu nan” Hajiya Lami order gesturing for her daughter to stand in front of her, Maimuna shuffled towards her Mom and stopped a few feet away from her.

“Come close Maimuna” Hajiya Lami said coolly, pulling her daughter closer to her. “What is wrong with you? I have noticed for the past week you have been behaving oddly”.

“I don’t know Umma” Maimuna answered sluggishly, “Umma please I am tired, can I get some rest”, Maimuna said taking a sit beside her Mom on the bed.

“No not until I am done with you, tell me how do you feel?” Lami asked turning to get a better look of her daughter’s face.

“I have been feeling queasy, tired and slight cramping around my tummy”. Maimuna explained adjusting herself so she could lie down.

“Maimuna are your breasts tender” Lami asked glaring at her daughter, Maimuna blushed and nodded.

“Fauziya!!” Lami screamed, a few minutes later Fauziya’s head popped up at the door way.

“Naam Umma” she answered.

“Zu nan” lami said gesturing to her, Fauziya walked towards her mother warily, after noting the foul mood she was in.

"come and explain to me how Maimuna got herself pregnant because when we were at, the hospital she wasn’t and the only time she has left this house was when she went out you". Lami said calmly causing Maimuna to jolt up from where she laid.

“Yae! Umma are you sure”. Fauziya asked shocked her voice quivering with fear.

“You must be stupid, am I the one you are asking such useless questions, wallahi I will kill both of you today” Lami threatened angrily.

“Umma I am not pregnant……”, Maimuna began but was immediately interrupted by her mother.

"Will you shut up before I slap you”, Lami said standing up and pulling Maimuna up from the bed.

“Wayo Allah Na mutu na lalace, Yaya Abdul ka kashe ni”. Fauziya wailed waving her hands around hysterically.

"oh the truth is reveling itself, it was Abdul, yaron nan has started showing his true colors, now Fauziya you better shut up there, go to my room and take my atm card, go and purchase a pregnancy test kit, I am giving you 10 minutes to do that”, Lami instructed.

“But Umma…”Fauziya complaining.
Lami bent down to remove her shoe to throw it at Fauziya. Fauziya duck quickly running out the room to obey her mother’s instructions.

“As for you” she said turning back to Maimuna. “What did you do at your Kawu’s house?”

“I went out with Ya Abdul”. Maimuna said trembling with terror, after all she had never witness this side of her mother.

“you went out to where exactly, Maimuna, to where’. Lami persisted; tighten her hold on her daughter as if that would make the truth come spilling out.

"we went to ya Abdul’s house Umma” Maimuna answered in haste.

“Oh…….so what did you do there? Maimuna, what took you to Abdulhamid’s house” Lami glowered, hold her daughter even tighter.

“A game Umma, we played games” Maimuna answered wincing, trying to pry her mother’s hand off her.

“Oh God Maimuna how foolish could you be, how could you allow him to deceive you like that” Lami said staring at her daughter dejectedly.

“I am sorry Umma, Ya Abdul will never deceive me, and he is a nice person” Maimuna cried in responds.

“Will you shut up before I use your mouth to scrub the floor?’’ Lami growled. At that moment Fauziya came rushing in the room, test kit at hand, her face was flushed and bright pink either from exertion or from blushing too much, Lami didn’t care.

She grabs the test kit from Fauziya and threw it at Maimuna, pushing her into the toilet after instructing her on what she had to do.

A few minutes later, Maimuna emerged from the bathroom and handed the stick like instrument to her, mother, they all waited patiently, while fauziya prayed rather loudly to Allah to make the test negative and save her from her mother’s wrath, few minutes later, the result came back positive and all three of them almost collapsed, Lami threw the test and the bed and took hold of both her daughters ears, pulling painfully at them.

“Ashe Maimuna ke karamin yar iska Ce, bamu sa ni ba”” Lami said making Maimuna sob.

“Umma ki yafe mana dan Allah, wallahi ba mu sani ba” Fauziya sobbed taking a hold of her mother’s hand to reduce her tugging.

“Mummy…..”Maimuna cried, she wasn’t sure if her tears were due to her mother’s anger or due to the fact that she Maimuna was pregnant, Ya Abdul indeed deceived her, how gullible could she be? Maimuna thought sobbing.

“Wayo Allah Abba, Daddy, Baba” Fauziya cried hysterically, ever the drama Queen.

“Kai Lami mai ke faru wa” Gambo came walking in, both shocked and amused at the scene unfolding before him.

“ehen Allah ya turo ka, so we have  been herding small small yar iskas in our home, kuma bamu sani ba’ Lami said turning to look at her husband.

"I suggest we should get a husband for Fauziya as soon as possible”, Lami continued tugging at her ear more aggressively.

"baba no please I am too young to get married” Fauziya wailed.

“What are you all going on about” Gambo asked getting confused.

“You see this one’ Lami said releasing both girls and pointing at Maimuna, “she is probably two to three weeks pregnant and that one” she continued pointing at Fauziya.”Is chief conspirator, event planner, she organized the whole thing” Lami finished breathlessly.

“What?’’ Gambo asked shocked staring at both his girls like they had both sprouted out extra head. “Lami come with me” he said gesturing for his wife, before turning to leave.

After they got to their room, Lami explained everything to her husband but unlike her, he received the news happily, who knew that quite, soft spoken Abdulhamid was such a schemer, he ignored Lami’s rambling about the ways she would deal with Abdulhamid if she got her hands on him and quickly put a call through to his brother to inform him of the good news, Lami now had no choice but to allow Miamuna return to her husband’s house.


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