chapter 20

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The morning of the day Aminu and Fauziya's incident occurred
Abdul's residence
Abdul's pov

  I sat on the floor my prayer mat under me, reading form the Holy Quran, while Maimuna lay beside me her head on my lap, this had become some sort of a routine after we pray subhi prayer together, she persists that my reading voice soothes her.

I was about rounding up the surah I was reading, when Maimuna jolted up, almost knocking the Holy book out of my hands.

"Maimuna are you ok" I asked looking worriedly at her, she didn't respond just kept staring at an angle of our room squinting her eyes as if to see better.

"Maimuna" I called up shaking her.

She started shaking her head vigorously, moving back still looking at that Same coner, fear filling her eyes.

"no don't come close to" she said flinging out her legs and crawling backwards.

I stood up quick walking over to the room switch and turning on all the lights in the room.

"look maimuna there is nothing there"

  She kept shaking her head, then started screaming making me run over to her, I held her to my chest staring down at her,  she was in full blown hysteria, holding on to me tightly.

"don't let him take me Yah Abdul!!, don't let him take me" she screamed.

"who Maimuna who?" I asked fear overtaking my entire body.

"him" she choked out, then her entire body froze up, her eyes wide open, not even blinking, I panic at first thinking she had gone into some kind of cardiac arrest but checked her pluse it was strong and beating fast.

"Maimuna!" I yelled shaking her trying to get her to snap out of it, but no response.
I tried everything, i even poured water on her but she was still frozen, it was as if her body was there but her spirit was not, it was unlike any episode I have ever experienced before.

   With my heart literally choking me, I pick up my phone and called the only,
person I could look to for help right now, yah Idris.

Jabir's house
Jabir's pov

"Jabir...Jabir..Jabir!" someone yelled into my ear jolting me awake, I looked around the dark room but no one was, there, I could have sworn it was my late wife's voice.

I wiped at my face turning over to look at the alarm clock, it read 6:30.

  Ya Allah I was getting late for subhi, I quickly got up from my bed and headed to the bathroom to perform wudu.

On entering the bathroom room, I went to the wash hand basin, staring into the mirror, then bent over to wash my face.

I felt something cold touch my skin, I quickly looked up at the mirror and there was my late wife standing behind me, her arms wrapped around my shoulders from behind, she was looking pale, with dead lifeless eyes.

"I missed you hubby" she said kissing the crook of my neck with her ice cold lips, then I went tumbling down and everything went dark.

To be continued.......

OMG creepy, what is going on here!!!

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