chapter 19

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A day before Aminu's and Fauziya's incident
Unknown pov

   I and Hauwa sat opposite the so called 'malam', our legs crossed, waiting patiently for him to initiate the conversation, after telling us to remain quiet upon our entrance.

He sized us up through narrowed gaze with eyes heavily painted with dark cool, he gaze kept jumping from my person to hauwa's,  sneering when looking at my and smirking when looking at Hauwa.

I was beginning to fear that he might expose my plans.

He cleared his throat, staring at Hauwa, "you are here, because of your son's wife " he said.

"yes" Hauwa answered, looking at him surprised.

"what is her name?" he asked looking down at the tray of sand in front of him.

"Mainunat Gambo Abdulhamid" she answered

He played around on his tray of sand,  drawing various shapes on it while nodding and shaking his head as if talking to it, "This Mainunat has a strong spirit" he said finally looking up, making us both frown.

"But I have powerful friends too, around me" he said smiling evily, "just for the right amount of this" her said rubbing the tips of his fingers together.

Hauwa open her bag, bring out three bundles of one thousand naria notes and placed it in front of the Malam.

The man looked at the money and looked up at us, then laughed loudly an irritating sound that annoyed me to no extent.

"see you came prepared, good good" he said rubbing at his gemu, "add another bundle and I will get rid of this nuisance for you once and for all".

Hauwa open her bag again and dropped two bundles in front of the malam making him laugh again.

A smile formed in my lips again, Hauwa could be extremely determined when she wanted to be.

The malam picked up the money and dropped it into a calabash beside him and turned back to his sand,  messing around with it again.

He looked up at us, a deep frown on his face, "what we are about to do right now may have grave consequences in the future are you sure you want to continue".

Hauwa turned to me looking a little worried, "your son Hauwa, do it for your son" I encouraged, making the malam sneer at me even more.

"Hauwa turned back to the Malam and answered, "yes malam, bury her" she said with a determined look on her face.

  The shrilling laughter filled the air again.

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