Plots and schemes

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Unknown pov

    "I told you mama the plan will go smoothly, Dada fell into our trap so easily, it was so easy".

"Yes dear she answered, I thought she would put on a little more resistance, such a weakling" her Mama said laughing deviously.

"But mama I think our biggest problem will be Aunty Lami, that stupid woman, she will never fall into our trap so that easily" the daughter continued worriedly

"Don’t worry, Lami is strong, but she has a weak point" she said laughing

"And what is that mama?"

"her daughter Maimuna, no mother can witness her child suffering and coincidently Maimuna is about to be in so much pain, I doubt she will survive and that is when out true plan comes into play".

"Mama you are so smart, soon Abdul will be all mine’’

"yes my dear he will be and the we will turn him into our puppet and bleed the Bawa’s dry for all they have and then we will move on to the Lamido’s,  Rahmatu and Hauwa will pay for the pain they have caused me, I will not rest until I am standing over their graves".

🙄 I know the chapter is short, I promise I will do better.
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PS stay home and stay safe, may Allah protect you from the ongoing pandemic, Amin.

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