chapter two

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Abdulhamid above

Abdul's pov

"women and weddings" I murmured to myself making my way to the kitchen, where I found some of my Aunts gossiping
"Ga shi ma", Auntie jumai said practically jumping from the stool she was sitting on, causing my heart to drop to the pit of my stomach, I should have remained in my room.
"Kai ka zunan, baka iya gaisuwa ba" Inna said as she eyed me.
The kitchen was large and spacious and beautifully Furnished, it had always been my favorite part of the house, because cooking was one of my hobbies but right about now it had become one of the most dreaded.

I quickly went down on one knee and greeted her
"ina kwana inna"
"Bilkisu ina kika agiye mun takalma na " Dada said walking into the kitchen.
"I love you" I mouthed to her smiling.
She laughed, "what is going on here" she said eyeing everyone.
"Inna is about to start ranting again o" Aunty Bilkisu answered earning her a hard slap from Aunty Aisha aka mamman Hanan.
"ke ba'a ki da kunya, ki kawu miji kin ki wawiya kawayi", Anuty Aisha hissed, causing Bilkisu to storm out.
You see my family was quite large, especially from my mother's part of the family, Inna had gotten married at the young age of 14 and had 15 children before the death of my grandfather, her children consisted of 10 girls and 5 boys, we lost uncle Inusa last 3years, Allah ya jikan shi.
Anuty bilkisu being the last born was 26, only a year older than I, unmarried and obviously a torn in Inna's side.
"Inna, you can scold him later, I want to send this lazy boy", Dada said laughing as she pulled me out of the kitchen.
We went to the sitting room, she took a sit on the cushion, while I sat on the floor beside her.
" your father said you should go to the bank and withdraw 7 million" my mum began in a hushed tone.
"take 3million to your kawu's house for safe keeping, please take Aminu with you and Abdul please be careful"
" Dada don't worry" I said getting up "I am always careful" I took the car keys from her and walked out.
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