Chapter 21

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   Jabir's residence
Jabir' pov

  I woke up with a start, to a loud shrieking sound, i quickly turned around taking in my environment, i was in my room, in my bed, Alhamdulilah it was just a dream, i murmured to myself letting out a sigh of relief slowing laying back down.

  I was startled out of bed when my phone started ringing again, i quickly picked it up and staring down at the screen, it read 'BABA" in big, black bold letters, i qickly answered the call, sitting up and pressing the phone against my ears.

"Asalamu alaikum" Abba said from the other end of the phone

"Ameen Alaikumul salam" i greeted

"Jabir Ina ka ke, everyone has been trying to reach you, why aren't you at work?" Abba asked in a calm but annoyed tone.

I hastily brought the phone back down, looking down at the screen, the time read 9:26am, with 26 missed calls on the notification icon, wow i must have been really tired to sleep through all that.

Bringing the phone back to my ear

"sorry Abba, i over slept, i am on my way right now" i answered sheepishly, using my palm to wipe at my face.

"you over slept?" Abba asked shocked
"any way forget about" he continued clearing his throat "have you spoken to your brother Abdul?"

"no i haven't, is everything alright" i asked concerned, getting out of bed.

" yes yes, nothing to worry about, he is not picking his calls, you should try calling him" Abba suggested

"ok, i will Abba"

"one last thing Jabir, don't go directly to work, stop by the house for a Mintue, i have something Important to discuss with you, inform your brother too"

"ok Baba In Sha Allah i will" i said then ended the call and dialed Abdul's number, he answered on the thrid ring.

"asalamu alaikum" a tired voice answered from the other end.

"wa alaikumsalam, Abdul are you alright you sound stressed"

"Ya Jabir?.....yes i am fine......just a little bit tired that's all" he answered

"ok,  if you say so, Abba has been trying to reach you why aren't you picking his calls"

"yes yes i saw his calls......i am just busy" he answered distractedly

"too busy to pick Abba's calls" i asked surprised, but no response came from the other end "Abdul are you sure, everything is alright" i asked again growing more concerned.

"Ya jabir i said everything is fine, what is this about?" he snapped

  To say i was shocked was an understatement, never in all our years together have i seen or heard Abdul speak to anyone rudely, but i decided to let the matter go for now, he will talk to me when he is ready.

"ok......I just to tell you that Abba wants to see us at home"

"ok.......sorry........I might be late" he answered ending the call

  I stared down at my phone, scrolling through my missed calls,  5 were from Abba but the remaining 21 were from Abdul, What could have been so urgent?
   My brows arced into a frown and a feeling of dread settled at the pit of my stomach, why do I have this feeling of impending doom?

   I recited Ayatul kursi and took my bath, after which I performed two raka'ats and left the house.

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