Secrets and Heartbeats

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Bawa's residence
10:15 pm

"Dada what did you do?, please I am losing my mind just tell us what you did, please Dada I am losing my mind and Ya Idris lost his child, if you really love us, just……..Dada". Jabir pleaded  with his mother broken heartedly, staring up at his mother from where knelt in front of her, Dada stared do at her son, he look exhausted, dark circles were forming beneath his eyes, but how would her children look at her if she told them what she did, she might not only lose their respect but also their love right? but could what she really intended to happen to Maimuna backfiring on her children?, could it be possible or was it just a coincidence.

Hauwa looked up to the havens asking for forgiveness from Allah for the umpteenth time and lied through her teeth yet again. "I didn’t do anything Jabir, don’t you believe me I am your mother, I raised you have I ever done something to harm you".

She held her son’s in between her hands and said. "maybe you need to see a psychiatrist Jabir, I think you might be missing your late wife that’s why you are dreaming about her, they can also prescribe some sleeping pill to help you get some rest".

"Jabir you can leave now". Aminu instructed’, Jabir just sighed in defeat and stood up to leave his parents, they had been trying for days to convince their mother to tell them what she had done and who she might had done it to.

"Aminu stood up and took a sit beside his wife. "Hauwa" he began, "we have been married for like 35 years now haven’t we? We have had our good and bad times, we have been through thick and thin together, so I am going to give one last chance to tell me what you did". he said taking a hold of his wife’s hands.

"I know you Hauwa and I know it was just a silly mistake, I trust you Hauwa and I need you to trust me now". Aminu pleaded staring intensely at his wife, she still looked as beautiful as the first day they met, despite the wrinkles and laugh lines that had formed around the little crests on her face.

"Aminu I am so sorry, I didn’t mean too…..". Hauwa sobbed, poring her heart out to her husband she told him everything from the begin; Aminu just sat calmly holding his sobbing wife in his arms, as he listen to her.

"shhhh, if ok you should get some rest, I will have to tell Gambo and Lami and also Idris, this will just be between the five of us, I promise".

Aminu said getting up still holding his wife close to him, he helped her into bed, before going back to his study to brainstorm for solutions.

Abdul's and Maimuna's residence
Maimunat pov

The pain started as a little tingling feel at her spine and slowly spread to her head where it became a full blown excruciating stabbing feeling at the base of her skull, driving her to consciousness, Maimuna twisted and turned on the bed trying to get away from the agony which to worsen with every air she breathed in.

Ya Abdul she need to get to Ya Abdul, she thought pushing herself to the edge the bed, with a little bit more push she tumbled to the floor.

Maimuna tried to get to her feet a task which seemed to be impossible so she opted for crawling, she clawed her was towards the door, resting on occasion, half way there she felt a tugging feeling on her hair, making her look, she came face to face with one of the horrible monsters, that had been plaguing her dreams.

Maimuna felt the sudden increase in her body temperature, her heart began to pound heavily against her ribcage, as terror slowly seeped into her veins, the monster stared down at her, as if examining her, a metallic taste evaded her taste buds, as it tightened its hold on his hair, with a force that Maimuna had never experienced before her pulled her head backward, pulling her neck into an odd angle.

Maimuna chocked on her on saliva, she her lungs had suddenly stopped working, in her struggle to save herself she bit down on her tongue, blood came oozing out front the fresh wound, worsening the chocking feeling, her eyes rolled back into her skull, as her body started shutting down, were was the woman in gold? Where was Abdul? Ya Abdul! She screamed in her mind as she lost consciousness.

Next day
8:08 am
Abduls pov

Abdul had woken up late, he quickly prayed his subhi prayers, offered his duas and took his bath, he couldn’t be late for work one more time, or his father would have his head, he put on a white packet shirt and a blue suit and black jeans, he combed his hair and head out to look for his wife.

He knocked on her do for like two minutes but no answer, so he decided to just go in.

"asalamualiakum". he said announcing his presence as he entered the room, the sight in front of him frighten him to his core, his wife was laying on the floor, her head lay in a small poodle of white foam mixed with blood, Abdul sprang into action running to his wife’s side.

"Maimuna!!". he called out his voice trembling in terror, he pick up her hand but quickly let go again,

"inalillahi wa inalilahi rajiun". she was cold, too cold, with trembling fingers her checked her pulse  but there was non, he place his head on her chest trying to check for a heartbeat, but he could hear any.

"Maimuna no…….no don’t do this to me" he choked out, picking her up and rushing out of the house, he opened the back door of his car and laid her down, before getting in to the driver’s side and putting the car in to gear.

He drove like a mad man, his attention occasionally wondering to his motionless wife, he had put a call through to their family doctor, whom had assured him that a medical team would be waiting to receive him.

After some minutes he pulled in front of the hospital and as promised a medical team awaited his arrival with a gurney, they quickly took Maimuma out of the back and placed her on the gurney, the doctor began to auscultate for a heart beat but when he couldn’t find any, he began to administer CPR, trying resuscitate the patient, the other members help pushed the gurney into the emergence unit, Abdul followed while holding his wife’s hand.

"no sir you can’t go in, you have to stay back, we promise to do our best to help your wife", a nurse instructed halting him, before running to join her colleagues, the ER door sliding shut behind her.

Abdul collapsed to the floor, his broken hearted sobs filled the hallway, he pulled at his hair, he shouldn’t have leaved her alone, he should have been there for, Oh God, Allah knows he couldn’t survive on this earth without Maimuna, he looked up to the ceiling raise his hands in supplication, before bringing out his phone to call his father.

"Asalamualikum". his father answered on the first ring, on hearing his father’s voice Abdul sobbed harder, he cried his eyes out like a five year old child.

"Abdulhamid talk to me, what is wrong? Talk to your father". Aminu said his voice filled with worry.

"Baba I don’t know what happen, she was just there on the floor…………….she wasn’t breathing………just like that………she was gone" Abdul hiccupped incoherently.

"Where are you now?’’ Aminu asked.

"At the hospital, Imam Specialist hospital" Abdul answered still sobbing.

"Ok we are on our way" he father said and ended the call.  

Ramadan Mubarak
So I changed my mind and decided to post again, anyways hope you guys enjoy this chapter, stay home and stay safe.
Iftar Mubarak.


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