chapter 17

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This chapter is dedicated to  surayyatou
3 months later
Abdul's residence
Abdul's pov
    I carefully open the door going into the house, another late night at work.
  I was sure Maimuna was already fast asleep and I didn't want to wake her, I softly walked into the sitting room, heading for the kitchen to get something to eat, when I sighted Maimuna on the couch and Laddi the help/cook we had hired two months ago, they were both fast asleep, with laddi snoring loudly.

I wounder how maimuna can sleep so soundly with that horrid noise, I leaned on the wall beside the entrance to the sitting room staring at my wife, she had somehow managed to look so gorgeous, even with drool running down her cheek, we had managed to grow really close over the few months we had been together, she referred to me as her 'bestie' now.

  I chuckled too myself, things were going slow but beautifully, we now shared the same room. Though we have had our ups and downs I love my wife with my entire being.
  she has experienced some episodes because she was still getting used to the environment,  but it has reduced significantly over the past few weeks Alhamdulilah.

  I pushed myself off the wall and walked towards them, I was sure the couch was extremely uncomfortable, I bent down and tapped on the area of the floor close to Laddi's head.

"ke tashi" I said gently trying to get her to wake up. She grumbled a bit, but still stood up half asleep and head for her, room, bumming the walls a few times.

   I turned my attention to my wife, picking her up as gently as I can not to wake her up, I stared down at her, a smile forming on my lips.

" my star, my belle" I whispered bending slightly and giving her a peck on the head.

I head upstairs towards our room with my wife in my arms, on getting there, I placed her gently on the bed and tucked her in, before heading to the bathroom to freshen up.

Next morning
7:15 am
Still Abdul's pov...

   I jolted out of bed, due to the sudden loud noise that permented the air, what's is going on, I thought to myself turning over to check on Maimuna, but she wasn't there, her part of the bed was cold with little wrinkles indicating that she had slept on that spot.

Jumped out of bed, and searched around the room looking for her but she was no where to be found.panic over took me, where could she be?

  I walked down the stairs, going towards the area where the noise had came from, which lead me to the kitchen.

  "what is going on here?" I said entering the kitchen, the entire place was a mess, flour on every surface, egg shells littered  the kitchen, and beautiful Maimuna stood at the centre of it all.

"what is going on here?" I asked again, staring at Maimuna and Laddi.

"good morning oga" Laddi greeted staring, bending a keen slightly, " hmm....  Madam want to make breakfast for you oga" she answered fidgeting.

"Maimuna haka ne?" I asked smiling, she didn't respond and refused to make eye contact.

"Maimuna" I called out walking towards her, I placed my hands on both sides of her cheeks and gave her a soft kiss on her forehead.

"why? " I asked softly

"I want to be............perfect" she stammered, placing her hands on my chest, hiding her face at the crook of my neck, her hands curled into two tight fists.

"you are perfect my dear, too perfect even" I whispered pulling her into a hug and allowing everything around us to fade away, as I held on to my life line.

Sorry guys this is late, sooooo sorry, I have been really busy.

Love you my dearies 😘😘

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