woman in gold

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Abdulhamid's residence
Maimuna's pov

It was a dream, surely I was dreaming because there was no way any of this could be really, I was somehow lost in my own subconscious, but the funny thing was that I wasn't scared of my new reality, I wasn't scared of this new environment, instead I loved it, there were no loud noises, no obstacles and most of all the pain was gone.

Just me and my thought and sometimes the occasional visits from the woman dressed in gold, she was pretty, really really pretty and her voice........so calming, she always appears and sings to me anytime the pain comes back.

I felt a sharp shooting pain down my back and just as immediately as it started it began to fade away, she was here, I could feel her calming presence, I turned to stare at her and like always she was dressed in her normal flowing golden gown, her long black hair was decorated with beautiful accessories, the woman in gold was so tall, Maimuna had to tilt her neck backwards to stare up at her face.

She sat down beside Maimuna smiling "there, there my dear I am here now, no more pain friend" she whispered to me rubbing my back, "you should be resting friend, you need to gather your strength the worst is yet to come''

"How much longer do I have to stay here I miss Ya Abdul" Maimuna said lying down and placing her head on her friend's thigh.

"Not much longer friend, I have dealt with my people that were sent to cause you harm, it's just the humans I have to teach a little lesson to", the woman in gold said, running her fingers through Maimuna's hair.

"I didn't mean to anger anyone, I was I didn't know I had done something bad, I would have apologized, Umma said any time I am mean to someone I should always apologize".

"don't worry maimuna, you didn't offend anyone, sometimes people are just evil for no good reason, now friend you must go to sleep I need to go and help your Ya Jabir" the woman in gold said, giving Maimuna a peck on her fore head.

"Ok...." Maimuna said feeling sleepy all of a sudden, she felt a sight movement as her friend placed her head gently on something comfortable and stood up, as she watched her friend retreating figure, she noticed for the first time that her friend had odd feet's, maybe she was just odd like her and her autism she thought as she doze off.

Jabir's pov

"Jabir! Jabir!''' someone shouted his jolting him out of his deep slumber
'Naam' he answered startled
'"are you alright? You don't look well'" Ya idris asked staring closely at him
'" Ehen......'" he said a little disoriented '"me? I am fine just a little tried, I haven't been sleeping well, why do you ask'"
'" for one you are sleeping when you are supposed to be working and two I have been knocking on your door answer doing salaama for almost 15 minutes now, when I opened the door and saw you I thought you were dead' Ya idris answered jokingly
'Oh sorry about that is just that I have been working late this days, I am exhausted' he lied smoothly 'so mai ke faruwa?"'
'Nothing much I just wanted to let you know it's almost time for jumuat, I know how you can get engrossed in your work'" ya idris answered
''oh thank, I actually forgot' Jabir said standing up 'let's go, you should drive, because I am in no shape to'
'Ok Jabir, but on a serious note you should really get some rest'" Idris scolded his brother
'Ok mother hen'' Jabir teased earning him a smack on his smack on the head, 'ouch Ya idris you know you have botanic hands'"
'"serves you right for making fun of me, anyways Shafa is making your favorite today, so after prayers we can just head to my house and after you can go home and have so much needed rest, I will tell the driver to come pick up your car while we have dinner'
'That's a great idea' Jabir said beaming from ear to ear
They both worked out of Jabir's office and took the elevator to the ground floor, whereby the parking lot was situated, Idris drove then to the nearest mosque where they prayed and offer sadaqah to some beggars' seated at the front of the masjid.
They head back to Idris car which was a white BMW parked at the far end of the masjid, when they got closer the sighted a beautiful fair, tall lady resting on the car, she had a large black scarf on and a blue fitted Ankara gown with you could clearly see under the transparent scarf.
'Who is that?' Jabir asked staring intensely at her; he was staring to get that uneasy feeling he had when he had his nightmares
'I don't know, she might be waiting for someone' Idris answered, "we will just tell her to adjust a little'"
'"asalamu alaikum' they both greeted her on getting to their destination.
She didn't answer; she just folded her had across her chest staring at them
'Please can you adjust a bit, this is my car and we want to pull out' idris explained politely
She didn't even blink, she just kept looking at them, '"Mallama if you are waiting for someone, there is a shade and a bench there, I am sure you are tired of standing'' Jabir said politely pointing at the opposite side of the parking lot, earning him a smile from the mysterious lady but she still didn't answer them verbally.
'" Jabir get into the car, maybe when she sees the car moving she will understand'" Idris said a little bit annoyed and walking to the driver's side
Jabir tried to open the door by his side, but the woman blocked him, 'men, you people have no patience' she side a husky voice, smiling slyly at Jabir.
'"Oh she can talk' idris said from the other side. ''Please we have some where to be, can you move so my brother can get in the car'
'Trust me Idris there is no other place you rather be' she answered smirking at him
'" how do you know my name' he said walking back to stand beside his brother
'I know a lot of things idris, I know for one that your wife is pregnant but you don't want to tell anyone because you don't want to jinx it and lose the baby like the first two pregnancy'" she said tapping her elbow
'I know that you will lose this child too Idris, but this time for an entirely different reason and do you want to know what it is Idris?' she asked tilting her head to one side
'How do you know my wife is pregnant? Are you spying on my family?' Idris asked totally ignoring her question
'Jabir, I know you have been having those dreams, those ones about your wife' she said unfolding her hands and placing them on his chest
'your heart is beating so far, shh......calm down, don't worry it's not your wife in those dreams, they are minions, sent to unwind you and make you feel that you are going insane'
'who are you........how do you know about the dreams'" Jabir asked literally shaking
'Let's just say we have a mutual friend' she said resting on the car again 'they hurt my friend' she continued her eyes becoming teary.
'Who is that friend?'' idris asked
'that isn't relevant either, tell your mother to turn back to the God she worships, tell her to ask for forgiveness from Allah, and begin to do what she has done, she has made me very very angry, she has hurt my friend, so I intend to hurt her back if she doesn't correct her ways, tell her I said that this little issues her has been facing and her human enemies will be the least of her worries if she doesn't adhered to my warning'' she said standing up from the car and moving aside.
'"What do you mean? My mother didn't do anything............how do you know about the dreams'' Jabir asked disoriented
'I am sorry for your loss Idris and Jabir just pray more Because Allah is our protector, don't succumb to our fears, Good bye' she said waking away, they tried to follow her but they were both frozen they couldn't move a muscle until she was out of sight, when they were finally both free, Idris tried to run after her but Jabir stop him shaking his head,
''I don't think you will find her'" he said
'"but Jabir my baby, my child........Allah' Idris said broken heartedly
'I think we should go home, we should go and talk to Baba, and I will drive' Jabir said taking the key from his brother.
They both got into the car and drove off after reciting the ayatul kursiyu, their entire day has just been toppled upside down in just a few minutes, Jabir could feel a headache coming on,?, he turned to stare at his elder brother who sat dejected on the opposite side and sighed. Who was the woman that knew everything, who was the mutual friend she spoke about and was what she said true? And if it was true, what offence did their mother commit.

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