Chapter 22

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Imani specialist hospital asokoro
Abdul's pov

"Malaria!!?" I asked staring at the doctor as if he had just grown another head.

"yes Malaria" he confirmed "with a little rest and medication she will be just fine"

"see Dr. I might not be a doctor but i know that Malaria doesn't make someone scream in terror or cause this much pain" i said skeptically.

"probably just the effect of the fever, you can take her home now" he said signing off on the discharged papers, not even bothering to look up at me.

   It took all the self control i had not to tackle him and strangle him to death at that moment, "that is the problem doctor, there was no fever before the episode occurred, i don't think its malaria" I insisted sending him a death glare.

"Mr Bawa, I know you are worried about you wife, but I am the doctor here and this is my diagnoses, here is the prescribtion" he said handing me a piece of paper.
  I collected the paper and stood up, my blood boiling hot, i clenched and unclenched my fist, crumbling the paper in the process.

"do you know what you are?" I asked glaring down at him "you are a dumb doctor, an empty headed idiot" I said throwing the crumbled up paper at him, "and you can use that to fill up your empty brain" i said staring down at the shocked doctor, his mouth hunged open, like a fish out of water.

  I walked out of the office, slamming the door behind me, it was all a bit melodramatic but i didn't care, I didn't care that I was rude to the poor man and i might probably feel bad about it later, i didn't care about anything at the moment but my wife, I had no idea about what was wrong with her but I could swear on my life that it wasn't malaria.

  It wasn't malaria though i wished it was.........

I entered into the room we were given everything looked strile and pristine.

  Maimuma was curled up into a ball, her face squeezed up in pain, and little bead of sweat formed on her forehead.

"Belle" I called out gently, kneeling in front of her, she just whimpered in response, "everything will be alright baby" i said giving her a peck on the cheek.

I carefully picked her up and carried her out of the death trap called a hospital.

  An hour later

I stared down at Maimuna's sleeping form, finally she was able to fall asleep through all that pain, I breathed out a sigh of Relief laying down about to get some sleep myself, when my phone began to ring at a very high pitch.

I lunged for it in an attempt to Slience it, tumbling out of bed in the process.

"Hello?" I answered not bothering to view the caller's ID "I don't want to be part of any stupid meeting, please leave me alone, Dan Allah let me be" I whispered harshly out of annoyance.

" it seems like all my children have gone mad," answered Abba calmly from the other end

"Abba?........Inalilahi........I am so sorry..........I didn't know......l."

" be here in 5 minutes" Abba said interrupting my incoherent speech and ended the phone call.

Oh Ya Allah save me, i murmured to myself banging my head against the floor.

I quickly got up, haphazardly pulling on a T-shirt and running out the room but still careful not to wake Maimuna up.

  "Keep an eye on Maimuma, ki kira ni if anything comes up" I said to Ladidi, putting on my shoes and picking up my keys, she just nodded Vigirously at me in response.

I took a final look up stairs, where Maimuna was resting before. rushing out the house.

Ps: i made up the hospital name
I apologise for not updating, i am so so sorry.
Another update Tomorrow so.......see you soon


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