filler: Stain's first mission and the hero killer vs the demon of the mist

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(this take place after the Hosu incident and right after stain joins the Akatsuki)

. . .Stain slowly opened his eyes and sat up form his bed to find himself in some kind of underground hide out with bandages all over his body

"try not to move unless it's necessary" a voice in the shadows sad as someone walked out revealing it to be Madara "you sustained quite the amount of damage, but luckily I already treated all of your wounds, all you have to do is rest"

"where am I?" Stain asked him

"you're in my hideout of course" Madara replied "it's been a while Stain, I have brought you here for you to recover and for you answers, and judging form your speech earlier I assume you've already decided? so what will it be? will you join us?" Madara said as Stain thought about it for a while

"this world is full of lies" Stain said clenching his fist and gritted his teethe "everything I believed in, everything I stand for were all lies! I thought All might was he perfect hero, that his the only one this this cursed society that only cares about saving lives for the greater good!but, was all a lie, everything I thought I believed in is all a lie, he's no different form this other fake heroes this world is full of fakes heroes, the word hero has lost it's true meaning in this curse society, all heroes these days only cared about money and fame! they're all fakes! every single one f them are! even all might is a fake" Stain said as he clenched his fist in anger

"the only way to fix this society is to build it form the ground up, to cleanse this world for the better, and the only way to do that is with the Akatsuki! so Madara where do we begin?" Stain asked as Madara smirk behind his mask

"good answer Stain, we will begin our plan soon but in the mean time" Madara said as "where the cloak and ring over there" Madara said pointing towards the Traditional Akatsuki cloak and ring neatly folded by his table before he handed Stain a scroll

"this world is changing, I think it's time for you to changed too, time to learn some new tricks" Madara said with a smirk behind his mask before he began to walked towards the door before he turned around

"oh and Stain, welcome" Madara said as he turned his head towards him "to the Akatsuki. . ., now put on the cloak and ring and follow me" Madara said as Stain nodded, he put on the Akatsuki cloak and ring and quickly followed Madara outside

, now put on the cloak and ring and follow me" Madara said as Stain nodded, he put on the Akatsuki cloak and ring and quickly followed Madara outside

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. . .

Stain followed Madara outside only to be met by a slender and tall man, He had no eyebrows, creases under his eyes, and a cross shaped scar on his right cheek. His hair and eyes were dark grey in color and his hair was short and spiky. He had light tan skin. He also had a red grid-shaped marking covering his jaw, he wore bandages around his neck and face which also covered his ears and pointed teeth. He wore the traditional black cloak and red clouds with dark blue pants and Shinobi sandals and a blue headband with a wave pattern and a slash in the middle and a giant sword at his back (for those who are wondering, Juzo was recruited off screen)

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