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Account files in left hand.
Coffee mug in right hand.
Handbag between my teeth.
Laptop bag slung over my shoulder.

I was a total FREAK!

Look at me parading into work looking like a circus clown. Ofcourse I ignored those who gawked and greeted those who greeted with a smile and hum. They did not even offer to help me!

Taking my daily route through the accounting department , I leave the files on Mr Harrisons desk and remove my bag from between my teeth. "Goodmorning Anastasia-", Gwen greeted with a smile. "Hi-", I returned the smile and hurried out. I was late. Well - 5 minutes! Yet I'm sure he'd make a fuss out of it. Such a prick.

Prancing around in his stupid heels made me feel DUMB. Did I look funny when I walked? Bending my knees and limping at times as if I'm disabled? I'm sure even a disabled could kill it in these shoes.

I dump my bags on my desk and proceed to knock on his massive black door. Just like his damn heart. Was he even in ? I continue knocking until I hear him grant me permission. Oh - thanks your highness.

Pushing open the door , I forced a smile as his eyes lift to find mine. "Late -", was his way of saying Goodmorning. "I know. I am sorry sir , it's just that - I had files to deliver and then your coffee-", I placed the mug on his sleek black desk which made me want to eat lunch off it. His office was stunning. I always admire it as if it's my first time entering.

"I do not accept your apology Ms Cora. And quite frankly, I don't believe in the word 'sorry'. Just get it right the first time", he sassed. It was too early for this. "I'm sorry -", I freeze when he looks up again. "I'm sorry -", what the fuck ! I am apologizing for APOLOGIZING. Someone kill me already. "Get on with your day", he went back to staring at his laptop screen.

"Right. Buzz if you need anything sir ", I stroll out of his office , shutting the door as gently as possible. Prick.

Kim Taehyung . Ceo of Kim Airlines. I've been his personal assistant for almost a month now and honestly I feel like I'm getting nowhere with trying to create some professional bond. Having a good relationship with your boss means work will be a breeze. Unfortunately- this man was cocky and stubborn to the bone.

I take my seat , unzipping my laptop bag . I'm a 2nd year travel student who was desperate for a job. Fees and rent are banging me real hard ! Ofcourse I get some help from my boyfriend, but he's got his own life to deal with. I can't depend on him for everything. He was the reason I moved to New York in the first place. To be closer . Anthony is a great guy and we've been inlove for almost 4 years. He - is - amazing.

Flipping open my laptop , I get it up and running. "Goodmorning Missy ". Glancing up , I smile at Brianna. "Hey Bri", I greet , continuing with my emails. "Is Mr hotness busy?", she stared at the closed doors. "He's always busy", I chuckle. "I have to discuss some stuff with him about next week's event ", she waved some papers in the air and I nod my head, pressing down on the buzzer. "Sir , Brianna from marketing is here to see you". We both wait for his response but nothing.

"Prick-", I mouth to her and she giggles. "Did you see his wife's latest insta update? That tan bitch was all over him", she rolled her green eyes. "She's allowed to be all over him. That's his wife ", I snicker.

"I don't pay you both to chit-chat and giggle like highschool girls".

We both turn to look at Mr Kim standing at the open door. "I buzzed you -", I swallowed hard and he turned his attention to Brianna after sighing. "Can we discuss this later ? ", he asked her. "It's nothing important sir. Just brought these to be signed", she handed him the documents then turned on her beautiful heels and strut away.

"Anastasia-", he called out and I stand as if I'm in the military service. "Sir?". I swear I witnessed the corner of his lips curl into a smirk. "You're jumpy lately ", he pointed out and I smile , scratching the back of my head. "Cancel my meetings for today-", he came over to my desk as I sat back down. "All of them?", I asked as he leaned in , watching me skim through emails to find those men he was supposed to meet.

"I have other plans " , he whispered and I tilt my head to look up at him. Sweet Jesus- he was beautiful. That jawline could slice through steel. His warm hazel eyes were dull today. Strands of his brownish black hair rested on his forehead while the rest was brushed back neatly. He smelled expensive... His suits always fit him perfectly, showing off his figure.


I snapped out of my thoughts. He was watching me this entire time. I mean - I was only admiring how he took care of himself. I swear I wasn't crushing on him like the other women in this company.

"Sorry-", I whisper and he smiles , standing straight and patting my head. "Get it right without the sorry ", he advised and I nod my head as he removed his hand and disappeared into his office. Okay - he was kind when he wanted to be.

A kind prick.

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