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20 : 54 pm


"Hey kid ".

I look over my shoulder at mama standing at my door. "You okay? Need anything before I head to bed?", I shake my head and she nod. "You want company?", her voice  careful. "No mama. I'm okay-", I whisper and she shut the door after a soft goodnight.

Shifting back to my comfortable position- I stare at my phone screen. I had sent taehyung a message once I landed but he never responded. I didn't expect him too. I quickly scan through my contacts and delete his number. No relationship between us. The England air was cold but I missed this. Papa will visit tomorrow. Mama made me her special soup and I ate up every last drop. Ofcourse the sight of her new husband still annoyed me - but I'll have to get used to his face until I manage to get on my feet financially and move out.

I was nervous for the operation. The pain to endure afterward would last months,  according to the doctor. But the pain of being barren will last a lifetime.

Just as I'm about to put my phone aside and catch some sleep, it lights up with a friendly name. Placing it against my ear , I literally hear him smile.

"Hi stranger".

"Jungkook ", I smile.

"Did you land safely? I'm assuming you did because if you crashed into the sea , I wouldn't be able to reach you. No network ", he joked and I we both chuckle.

"Yeah , I did reach safe. I'm actually tucked in bed,  about to count sheep", I whisper with a yawn following.

"Counting sheep helps? I should try it -", he was so cocky.

"You should. What about you? How's the new apartment? I'm sure you haven't explored the streets of London yet" , I rub my nose and he hummed.

"Hoping you'd be my tour guide ", he giggled and I shake my head.

I was glad he didn't bring up the divorce or taehyung. He knew it was a sensitive topic.

"Well? Will you be my tour guide?".

"Ofcourse I will. If you promise to take me to the hospital tomorrow ", I snicker and he sighed.

"I'll take you anywhere. Besides , my job doesn't require me to be I'm until next Tuesday. So I'm all yours for the next few days".

"Thank you, kook", I smile and close my eyes.

"How you feeling? ", his voice soft .

"Apart from the pain in my stomach - I'm fine", lies. It was more than just a stomach ache. My heart ached. My head ached. My entire being ached!

"That's good. Not that the pain is good but the fact that you're strong enough to lie-", I could feel him smirk.

"Kook - can we not? Atleast not over the phone. Besides I'm extremely drowsy. The medication the doctor has me taking is so much and massive-", I laugh louder than expected and he joined.

"Rest then pretty girl. I'll see you tomorrow. Text me the address and I'll fetch you at -", he waited for me to find the right time.

"10 am is perfect.  My appointment is only at 1 , so we have time to do some sight seeing and getting you used to the roads", I yawn again,  nuzzling my face into the pillow.

Little Wife  | TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now