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"There is no fetus ,Mrs kim. You have a large mass blocking your fallopian tubes from menstruating "


"A tumor which has to be operated "

"Is it safe?"

"You will be fine , Mrs kim. Unfortunately removal of the tumor means you will be barren. The tubes must be removed too. I am sorry ".


"Anastasia ", I jerk as he snapped his fingers . "Yes?", I swallow hard, realizing I'm in the conference room, jotting down notes. All eyes on me . "Are you okay ? ", taehyung asked from the projector. "May I be excused, Mr kim?", the sweat trickled down my back , making the material of my dress stick to my flesh. "Yes-", he whispered, probably concerned as I bolt out of the room.

The tears make their way down my flustered cheeks as I race to the restrooms. I've been miserable since I got the doctors report 2 days ago. I haven't built the courage to tell taehyung. I just feel like no matter how much we try - or how much he has tried to bring us back together after that fucking brain surgery, the universe just doesn't want us together. So many obstacles and struggles.

Why aren't we good for each other ?

I run the water,  soaking my shivering hands then bringing it up to cover my heated face. I needed to gather myself and my thoughts. Tonight was haileys birthday function and honestly- I wish I had declined it like taehyung said too. I did not want to be around people, especially not his ex wife and parents who despise my very existence. How were they so blind? Could they not see how much their son adored what we share?

People and problems go well together.


"Yeah , can we not?".

His tone stern and annoyed. It could be heard outside his massive doors. I inhale sharply before entering his office . His eyes were quick to find mine and he lifted a hand , gesturing for me to come to him. Moving carefully - I stride to where he sat on the couch. He wrapped a hand around my wrist , gently tugging so I obliged and sat on his strong thighs. His arm curled around my waist as he pressed his nose to my collarbone, inhaling my scent.

"Yeah-" , he responded to whoever was over the phone. I keep my hands to myself - not wanting to touch him after my restroom breakdown. He has a right to know. Yet I'm afraid. I needed more time. Time to figure out if this marriage was still worth it. Whether we were worth fighting for. Ofcourse he'd want an heir - something I can't give to him. What if he left me ?

"Mother , please be reasonable. I did not agree to this party. Anastasia was the one who said yes and believe me - I was fuming " . Oh - his mother. I stare down  at his beautiful face. Brows knit together,  eyes staring ahead,  lips pressed in a thin line and jaw clenched. This man was a fucking museum. I loved the way his hair had a life of its own. The way it would fall over his forehead ever so gracefully. Lifting a hand , I slowly flick away the strands . His eyes lift to find mine and he smiles despite being angry.

"We'll speak later-", with that , he hung up - tossing the phone aside. "Are you okay?", I whisper as he sighed heavily, throwing his head against the headrest. "Yes baby- she's just so fucking draining ", he rubbed his temples  before lifting his head and stroking my arm. "Are you okay? You looked sick earlier -", his eyes exploring my face. "Probably a fever-", I lie and he felt my skin , "I know you're hot but your body temperature seems chilled", he placed his hand on my thigh and I shrug. "Just need some sleep-", I croak , forcing myself not to cry.

"Hey? Are you sure you're okay? You haven't been yourself this past few days", he noticed. With his busy schedule and hectic working hours,  he noticed I was offish. "Just miserable-", I rest my head against his shoulder, hiding my face from his hypnotizing eyes. "I'm here baby. Anything you need , just ask me. I'll take care of you -", he kissed my forehead and I shut my eyes as they pricked with tears. "I love you -", he whispered as we sat there.

"Why?", I sniffle and he was quick to push me up. "Why are you crying? Did someone hurt you?", a frown taking over his concerned expressions. "No- its just one of those gloomy days", I tried to smile between sobs. Bringing up his hands , they wipe my wet cheeks. "Baby - I hate seeing you this way. Maybe we should skip the party,  Stay home and rest", he continued to stroke away the tears. "No , no ", I shake my head. I didn't want his parents blaming me for yet another thing.

"We should go. It'll take my mind off stuff -", I swallow hard and hide against his shoulder again. His arms wrap around me like a shield. So warm and protective. I could stay in his arms all day. My heart ached at the thought of leaving taehyung. We had history together. Ofcourse some I could not recall but ever since I got this job - he has become an integral part of my life. My husband. The man  who has loved me for years. Deep within my soul - I know I love him too. It's just hard searching for what's lost.

Maybe I lost my memory for a reason. We're just not good for each other.

"I got you baby", he rocked me . I close my eyes , mind heavy and heart sore.

Life was being unfair all over again.

17 : 23 pm

The evening breeze was not what I hoped it to be. It was subtle and didn't ice my skin like I so desperately craved. Taehyung was still inside,  sighing a few forms at reception while I stood out here with my thoughts.

I made moves I didn't think I'd ever have to make. Taehyung will understand. He has too. It's for us to be happy.

"Hey there -", I am nudged by jungkook who had a bunny toothed smile plastered on his face. "Hey kook ", I smile up at him . "How have you been?", he tucked his hands into his hoodie pockets . "I'm fine ", I lie and he made a weird face. "You don't look fine. Infact you look sick-", he removed a hand to place it on my forehead. "A doctors appointment is due", he drew back his hand and I chuckle, shaking my head. An operation is due.

"I'll be fine after a few meds and some much needed sleep. How have you been? How's the project?", I ask and he began waving his hands in the air. "It's here and there. The project is almost complete and I got a job offer in England ", he wiggled his brows. "Wow , that's great kook. Maybe you could go visit my parents ", I giggle and he gave a nod. "Yeah , the pay is great and I get my own place ", he explained further and i just smile and nod. I was genuinely happy for him.

"It'll be great. My parents are over the moon-", he flashed his bunny smile. "They should be", I stare up at him. His grin turned into a gorgeous subtle smile. "Thank you ", he whispered.

"Anastasia-", we both turn to taehyung. "Ready to leave ", he held out his hand. "Yes. Goodbye kook", I wave and take taehyungs hand as he escorted me to his car. "What did I say about him?", he groaned and I roll my eyes. "He's a friend", I nudge him playfully. "I don't care -", he swat my ass after opening the door for me. "What a gentleman ", he winked at my sarcasm. Shutting the door and walking around the car .

In that brief moment of silence. I realized - things will be different tomorrow.

Everything will change .

Little Wife  | TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now