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"You know your grandmother loves when you visit-".

I tried my best to be as busy as possible. Avoiding her was easy because she never made any conversation . Taehyung spoke with her while I washed up the dishes he had used to make breakfast. Even with my back faced to them - I could feel her eyes throwing darts at me.

"I've just got a pile of documents to send out , mum", he went on explaining about his busy schedule. "You weren't very busy when I walked in earlier ", she countered and he laughed. I felt the heat invade my cheeks and I began to hurry with the dishes. "Tell grandma that I'll visit some other time. I barely get a chance to rest -", he sighed. "That is why you have staff to get work done , son. You are the ceo and not a mere slave". Damn - why was she so backward? I was grateful that taehyung never inherited her mindset and attitude.

"You and dad can have lunch with her. I can't leave those documents any longer. They're just piling up and it's going to sit on me -", I could hear the agitation in his tone. Did he not want to visit his grandmother? Or was he afraid that I'd feel out of place?

I was aware that he had plenty of work to be done and I'd help him out if he allowed me but it wasn't so much that he couldn't have lunch with his family. He was definitely lying. "Son , you haven't even come home in ages. We miss you -", she nagged.

I knew the reason was me.

"Mum - I'm busy. I do not sit at home and twiddle my fingers. I have a company to run. It's not a small street shop. It's a million dollar airline-", he was getting more and more annoyed. Was she deaf? Did she not know when her own child had had enough of her nagging and bickering .

"Well - I had a feeling it would be like this. When hailey was around, you two would visit every weekend ", she began to raise her voice. The mention of his ex wife made me tense up. "Can we not ?", he drawled. "Why not? Your father behaves as if nothing happened. As if you hadn't made such a drastic change to your life. I question it every day. What were you thinking when you left that angel? We all loved her , taehyung. She was a good wife and she would have been a great mother to your kids-", at this point she sounded as if the waterworks would burst at any point. I wipe up my hands and briskly leave the kitchen without looking back at them. I do however stand outside, hiding behind the wall to overhear.

Yeah - eavesdropping.

"Don't tell me that ship has sailed , taehyung. You can still win hailey back. She is head over heels in love with you" , she was such a persistent woman. Was status more important than her sons happiness?

"I said I'm good. You came with an invite which I declined, so if we're done here -",

I hurriedly tiptoe across the hallway into the living room , so they wouldn't catch me listening in on them. I can some mumbles before the front door shuts. Pretending to be busy - I switch on the TV and scan through Netflix. "I'm sorry about that -", he walks in and sits beside me. "You don't owe me an apology ", I put down the remote after choosing Rick and Morty. Those two never fail to crack me up. "I do. My mother can be some what - annoying ", he rolled his eyes. She's more than annoying . A controlling bitch if you'd ask me. Ofcourse I could not openly say this truth to him.

"She got along well with hailey because of our parents friendship and business partnership. My mother is all for the rich folks and classy status-", he sighed out, resting his head on my shoulder. His spirit was dampened by her presence. "They're the reason joonie moved so far from home". Yeah - I remember his gorgeous dimpled brother. We had met once at the work fundraiser.

"Do you miss him?", I rest my cheek on his head. "Yeah , I do. He left before we got married and he was pretty pissed when he found out", he laughed. "Not that I care -", he added quickly. I smile and stare at the TV screen. The silence that surrounded us was peaceful. Just us. Holding hands and enjoying this moment together. Lowering my gaze - I admire the way my tiny hand was being cuddled with his large one. Fingers laced and his thumb brushing back and forth against my skin.

Little Wife  | TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now