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taehyungs pov:

"I'll be in at 5:30 tomorrow. You can come in early and clean out your desk if you don't want others seeing you", with that being said , I make my way to the door. There was not much i needed to say anyway. Just as I reach for the handle , she appeared, blocking the door with her tiny body and outstretched arms.

"You are not leaving without giving me a reason. Mr kim please ", she pleaded.

Was i being an asshole? Definitely yes. Hailey made a clear point that I seemed to care alot about Anastasia. Sure she was my assistant and I appreciated her being around but this last month had been different. Being at work felt better than being home with my wife. I have never cheated on hailey but just being around Anastasia was overwhelming.

She was so beautiful and full of life and kindness.

"Anastasia, just fetch your things tomorrow ", I frustratedly spew. She wasn't making this any easy. With a sniffle, she lowered her gaze and dropped her arms. "I'm sorry -", she mumbled under her breath. Even though she knows I'm in the wrong , she still apologized. Turning around. She twisted the door handle but looked back over her shoulder. I prayed she didn't show me those puppy eyes , but she fucking did.

"Was the coffee too bitter?", she sobbed. Immediately my heart clenched. I was such a prick . "Get home safe ", she added, pulling open the door.

Fuck it.

She gasped when I shut the door , turning her around and slamming her against the wall. She collided into it with a grunt which soon disappeared when I leaned in, pressing my lips to hers. I felt her gasp Into my mouth, Instead of pulling away, I bring my hands up and clasp her rosy cheeks.

Her lips were so soft yet ice. Without trying to take advantage of the situation in which I obviously had the upper hand, I pull away and leave before she could ask me why?

I'm sure she wouldn't get any sleep tonight , but fuck - I was attracted to a kid who was 10 years younger than me. Since the day she walked into my office , I found her extremely beautiful. She was always apologizing and showing me she was a natural submissive.

Hailey was strong headed and always had an opinion. Having the last say was important to her and dressing like a slut was her choice. Yes I fell inlove with her , but lately I've been questioning the reason we even got married.

Anastasia was just different.
Innocent and sweet.

P r e s e n t T i m e
17 : 34 pm

Anastasia's pov:

Day 3 of being suspended.

I've been camping on my couch. Eating junk. Calling up my parents. Praying Anthony messaged or came over - but that never happened.

I managed to complete and submit a few assignments so the suspension wasn't a total waste.

Now and then my mind would drift to Mr kim. I know I'm not supposed to be thinking about a married man but it was so difficult not too. I mean he had left me on the cliff. I did not know why he kissed me. Was he drunk? That had to be the only reason.

It was impossible that a man of that level could ever find me attractive. His wife was a breathing goddess. The women that surrounded him at work were models! I was a slug.

With a sigh , I turn off the TV and fall onto my side , huddling underneath the heavy blanket and slowly dozing off.

Sleep was my escape.

20 : 17 pm

Taehyungs pov:

"Do you think this dress or this?", she twirled around in a gold hourglass dress. I give a nod and get back to reading the Great Gabspy. The movie was a 7/10 but the book was definitely an 11/10.

"Taehyung, you aren't even taking time to admire me. These dresses are new and they're specifically for your fundraiser ", she went on blabbing. Her talks about clothes always got on my last nerve.
"What are you reading?", she grumbled and shifted around. "My parents said they'll come", she added and I glance up at her undressing.

"I did not invite them", i deadpan. She rolls her eyes and allowed the dress to fall to her feet. The red laced lingerie looked stunning on her pale skin. Hailey was undeniably beautiful but she had the biggest fucking ego. It was not attractive.

"Please taehyung. They are important. I bet yours will be there ", she climbed onto the bed , crawling between my legs and playfully removing my glasses. "Right?", she straddled me , tossing the book aside . "Reading looks so hot when you do it", she leaned in , placing her lips on mine. My hands instinctively glide up her milky skin. Caressing her curves and groping her firm ass. The moan that fell out of her mouth was an Indicator that she was definitely sex starved. It's been weeks since I've fucked her. Getting in the mood with her was just edgy lately.

"Please-", she begged when I break the kiss. "Please don't ", she leaned in to kiss me again but I turn away , staring at my book on the floor as she sighed softly.

"What am I doing wrong, taehyung?", she whispered. I turn my attention back to her miserable face. Tears welled up in her once flaming eyes. "Hailey, none of us are the problem ", I stroke her cheek as she begins to weep. "Then why are we falling apart ,taehyung? There's no love left. We hardly speak. We don't even get intimate ", she trailed off. "A month back , we were the happiest couple. People looked at us as goals", she whimpered. Me getting distant really affected her.

She had been pretending as if everything was okay - but she isn't.

"Don't cry -", I turn us over. Her back hits the soft mattress as I hover over her. "It's depressing-", she shook her head but I leaned in , capturing her lips before she could utter another word. Her arms curl around my neck as I snaked my tongue into her mouth.

The way she moaned and bucked her hips , grinding against my cock made me smirk. Pulling away, I trail kisses down her body until I reached her spread thighs. "Lift -", I instruct and she obeyed. Lifting her hips , I drag off her panties, tossing them god knows where. She bites down on her lip while I kiss her inner thigh , biting and nipping at her skin.

"Taehyung-", she hummed the second my tongue flicked against her slippery clit.

It was quite unfortunate that my phone ringing overpowered her lewd moans and my slurping. Lifting my head , I wipe my wet lips as I reached over for the phone. "Let it be-", she groaned but I got off the bed , answering the call.



"Hello?", I stay quiet until I hear light breathing and soft snores. She was sleep dialing me? The thought alone made me smile. That was actually cute. I hadn't seen her for 3 days. I hang up and glance at Hailey who was on her feet , putting on her gown and panties.

"Where are you going?", I questioned.

"I'll be in the guestroom ", with that she takes her cellphone and walks out.


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