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20 : 39 pm
Jeán- Luc

This was the first time coming to a French nightclub. I had no idea this even existed. It was much more vibrant and extravagant than the other bars and clubs I had set foot in.  Purple and silver lights dancing with the crowd. The music itself made me sway while sipping my 2nd banana smoothie. I know taehyung said no alcohol- but this was like 10% only. I swear I wasn't dizzy yet.

"C'mon-", he grabbed my hand after downing his 5th beer. I almost drop my glass as he yanked me off my seat. "Relax!", I tried shouting over the music. I leave my smoothie on the bar counter and allow him to lead me to the busy dance floor. We had been here since 7pm. Jungkook was such a vibe. He could dance really well too. He had girls attention as if he were some celebrity.

"Whoa!", he shouted , hands gripping my waist as we jumped up and down to Vanilla ice. Yeah - this place was sorta old school. I guess that's why I enjoyed the atmosphere. "ICE ! ICE BABY!", I could hear him screaming at the top of his lungs while we jumped in circles. One hand on his shoulder and the other raised up in the air. "Yeah!", he howled, making me laugh. This was what it felt like being in the right company.

Someone behind accidentally shoved into me , causing me to lose balance and fall against his hard chest. Jungkook continued to dance, not finding this awkward. He smelled of alcohol and a sweet fragrance. Much different from taehyungs strong scent. His was subtle but luring.

I stayed against his chest as we swayed to the music. He finally looked down , finding my eyes under the flickering lights. He stared blankly before smiling. "Spin-", he held my hand as I spun around. "Yeah -", he held me at arms length,  rocking to the music.

I couldn't help but wonder what taehyung was doing. I felt bad for leaving him alone with so much of work. But - he was the one who insisted I leave and have some fun.

"Kookie-", I grab his bicep and he lowered himself to hear me out. "I need to use the restroom -", I whisper shouted and he gave a nod  , grabbing my hand and leading me once again. He seemed to know this place inside out. He guided me away from the party and into a quiet hallway. "You been here before?", I ask. "Almost every friday-", he smiled , keeping my hand in his as we passed a group of drunk , smoking guys who were staring. My heart raced, recalling what taehyung had said. He had gotten that head scar due to fighting at the club for me... I didn't want history repeating itself. Unconsciously I tighten my grip on jungkooks hand and I felt him pull me closer to his side. "I got you-", he whispered , snapping my train of thought.

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