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16: 47 pm

The evening breeze was gentle for once. Blowing through my curls as I sat on the curb , staring at the Polaroid in my palm.

To think- this was the last time I was genuinely happy and I don't even recall it. My life truly is screwed. Taehyung was always naturally gorgeous. His smile was so blissful . But - there's also a chance that he's a total fucking weirdo and made up that entire story and created this Polaroid.

I mean - I've watched enough documentaries about psychopaths. He could be one too. Can't rule out that option until I gather evidence myself.

"Ready to go home?", I glance up and quickly try to hide the Polaroid but his eyes had already noticed. "Yeah-", I stand , sliding my bag over my shoulder and clearing my throat. "You can sit In the lobby. Why do you sit in the cold ?", he made conversation while we strolled to his car. "I like fresh air-", I mumble.

"I'm aware-", he smiled.


With my fist clenched around the Polaroid. I stare out the drizzle painted window. The rains were setting in and the roads were busier than usual. So that meant - a longer drive home.

How should I ask for more informative without sounding as if I'm gathering evidence? I need solid proof and not just his word. I glance at him quickly. Eyes on the road ahead , jaw clenched, veiny hands gripping the leather steering. He had the most exquisite side profile. Girls were always drooling over that particular category in a man. I mean any girl would drool over Kim Taehyung. Being effortlessly gorgeous must be a grand gift from God himself.

"Gawking is rude-", his voice little but deep.

"Sorry-", was all I mustered up to whisper.

My attention now on the water raining over the car and streets. The sound was peaceful and I'm sure as hell the smell of it will be just as blissful when I step out. Yeah - the smell of rain was kinda a weird fetish of mine.

It took a few more minutes but we soon reached home. The engine died down and the sound of rain heightened. There was so much I wanted to ask this man. So many questions playing on my mind. I squeeze my fist tighter around the Polaroid but the feeling of his hand settling over mine, made me loosen and glance his way.

"You're destroying it ", he whispered, staring at the crinkled Polaroid. "Is it true?", I mumble and he gave a confused expression. "Is what true?", he removed his seatbelt and I did the same. "Us. Was that story true?", I stare at his blank face. "Do you think I made it up?", be raised a brow and I shrug my shoulders. I didn't know what to believe. I couldn't just take his word for it and I sure as fuck wasn't going to ask my parents.

"Do you have any other proof besides this?", I wave the Polaroid and he smiles , leaning back into his seat. "The proof I have isn't something you'd want to see baby", his cockiness made me furrow my brows. "Taehyung. I am willing to see anything which will help me believe you", I snap and he chuckled. "Even videos of you covered in cum?".

His question made me burn up. The heat rushed into my cheeks and I felt the lump in my throat grow. He was such a blunt bitch !

"Well? I have those videos if you want to see", his eyes trail to my parted lips and I instinctively lick them. A subtle smile formed on his lips but soon disappeared. "Did you truly love me?", I find myself diverting from the evidence topic. He looked hurt by my question. His eyes soften as he reaches out , cupping my cheek in his large palm. "What type of question is that?", he whispered . I bite down hard on my teeth, forcing myself not to cry.

If this were true. Then this man has all of our best memories. Imagine him staring at me all this time ,knowing absolutely everything. And here I am - thinking he's a complete stranger. The thought alone made me tear up.

"I just need to know -", my voice trailed.

"Anastasia- ", his fingers buried in my hair. "I do love you ", he whispered, stroking my cheek with his thumb. He loves me? After all these years? "You are the first and last person I had opened this heart too. I am yours -", he leaned in . Ours lips inches apart. The sound of rain drummed against the car and in this moment we should have kissed - but I turn my face , nudging his hand off my cheek. I hear him sigh but without hesitation, he moved away.

"Let's head inside ", with that , we both get out and practically run up to the porch. The rain had drenched us in that span of a few seconds. The gentle breeze gave me goosebumps. Taehyung gestured for me to enter first when he unlocked the front door. I kick off my heels and head straight upstairs. My teeth rattle alittle until I reach the warmth of our bedroom.

Shrugging off my coat , I lay it on the dresser. Taehyung soon appeared. Bangs hanging over his forehead, almost covering his eyes. He lays his coat beside mine and begins to unbutton his shirt. I tried not to gawk but I couldn't help it. He was so handsome.

His gaze met mine and I swear he smirked. We just stared at each other until he began pacing toward me. A hand coming up to comb through his disheveled wet hair. I hold my breath the moment his hands are on my face and lips on mine. So soft and gentle. I don't hesitate to kiss back. My hands curl around his neck as his drape around my waist. The kiss needy and longing. The way ours lips molded together was glorious.

"Fuck-", he moaned into my mouth , lifting me with such ease off the ground. I quickly wrap my legs around his waist. His hands groping my ass as he carried me into the ensuite. "Are you cold ?", he breathed, placing me down inside the glass cubicle. "Yes-", I whisper. "Take this off , baby", his hands grip the hem of my dress. I lift my hands as he pulled it over my head and threw it aside. "You're so beautiful-", he dipped his head , planting open mouth kisses against my collarbone and neck. "Taehyung-", I moan, tugging on his damp hair. His hands squeezing my waist as he hacked me up against the cold shower wall. I hiss but get lost in moaning as he sucked on my skin. A hand sneaking into my lace to play with my wet little cunt.

"All this for me?", he whispered, gliding a finger through my slit then removing his hand and sticking his finger into his mouth. My jaw dropped as I watched his tongue swirl around his index. "Delicious as always -", cocky ass. He stepped back, stripping out of his suit and tossing it along with my dress. I couldn't help but stare while he opened up the shower. The water gurgling and gushing over his perfect figure. I slowly removed my bra and panties while he was busy adjusting the temperature .

His ass was perky. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around him from behind. He flinched but remained still. I had never felt unsafe with taehyung. I guess that feeling had alot to do with our past. "Are you okay?", he asked, turning around and clasping my face in his warm hands. I sigh and nod my head. "Just confused but I'm okay-" , I stand on my tiptoes and kiss his chin. He released a tiny giggling. Curse his height!

"You don't ever have to be confused my pretty little wife. Whatever you need to know- just ask me. I'll be ever so glad to tell you", he dipped his head , capturing my lips with his.

I'll have questions for eternity.

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