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Taehyungs pov:
-New York-
14 : 21 pm
Kim Airlines

Anastasia Rosalie Cora.

The woman who owned me since the day we met.

She had loved and broken me. I will gladly do it all over again. Her smile, her voice, her beautiful face. She was etched into my heart forever. Two weeks had gone by and I know she had made her decision to stay in London. Sure I was hurt by her choice but seeing her be happy was enough for me to move on with my life. If jungkook made her happy then so be it. I will still love her unconditionally. I mean - she even confessed to loving me. Those words are enough to keep me breathing.

I believe in loving someone from a distance. Maybe she was right. Maybe we weren't meant to be together. The universe just wouldn't allow it. So - maybe in the next life, she'd be mine. We'd be happy . No pain , no pressures of life. Just us and our little world of joy. For now - she has my heart and I'm sure I have a piece of hers.

"Mr kim - Robert Brinkley is on line 4".

I sigh , picking up the phone and placing it to my ear. "Mr Brinkley? Yes - I've asked you a thousand times not to meet with Mrs Jones ", I get to my feet , rubbing my forehead. "No - I understand but please follow my orders. This is extremely important-", I groan and slam down the phone before he pissed me off even more. "Fuck - why can't they just -"

"Get it right the first time".

I freeze, lifting my head to meet her gaze. She smiled,  lifting her hand to give a little wave , "hi", her little voice filled my office. I had to pinch myself to make sure this was real. She was here. Standing in my office. "Anastasia?", I whisper and she strolled in, pacing to stand before me. "Taehyung-", her eyes bounce around my startled face. "You look like you've seen a ghost-", she giggled and I gulp. "No - I mean. What are you doing here?", I question and she shrugged her shoulders. "Why else will I come to New York ? Sightseeing?", she threw her sarcasm around and I roll my eyes. "Anastasia- why are you here?", I repeat and she reached up, curling her arms around my neck. "For you", she smiled,  eyes turning into Cresent moons.

"For me?", I place my hands on her waist. "For you Kim Taehyung ", she flashed her toothy smile. "I thought you wanted me to fuck off-", I pout and she blinked. "I'm sorry-", she whispered , batting her lashes. "Get it right the first time-", I smile ,leaning in and kissing her soft lips. She stood on her tiptoes, holding me closer. "Jungkook?", I pull away and she sighed - "He's happy with my choice. Infact he threatened to make you his", she snickered and I make a weird face to make her laugh even more. "What about the universe?", I asked in a spooky voice.

"Fuck it-", she smirked.

"Fuck it-", I agreed , clasping her face and kissing her again.

Anastasia's pov:

And there you have it.

Your first love will remain your first. No matter how far you run or hide. No matter what life throws in your face. Love will find its way around obstacles and struggles. No burden is too heavy for the power of love.

I could never outrun taehyung. He was made just for me. I was always his - and his I will remain. In this life and the next. I always want to be his. Memories or no memories. We'd make new ones . He was like a fresh breath of air. He was my perfect addiction. The man who loved me despite my resistance.

Ofcourse kookie and I had created a bond. A friendship which will last a lifetime. He remained in England- keeping mama company.

But as for me -

Kim Taehyung had my heart.


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