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06 : 02 am

Standing outside the ensuite door. I could hear the shower turned on. We hadn't spoken since last night and he slept in the guest bedroom. "Taehyung?", I knock - no response. "Can we talk?", I ask alittle louder. I did not cheat on him , so he shouldn't be canceling our plans just for a silly mistake which I immediately regret when I realized what was going on.

I'm not a kid.

I knock harder , "Taehyung, we need to speak", I say firmly. "I'm coming in -", I furrow my brows , pushing open the door. I am met with steam and a hot gushing breeze. Was he practicing being in hell? "How are you breathing?", I cough alittle before turning to watch him scrub into his hair. Back faced to me. Ass looking spankable. If that's even a word.

"Uhm , can we speak?", I clear my throat. "About what happened last night and to reconsider your hasty decision. I have to see my parents, taehyung . What happened between us isn't something tiny. Marriage is -", he waved his hand in the air to stop me. "I can not here you. I'll reconsider if you strip and get in this cubicle ".

"What-", I flush crimson. "Are you serious ", I choke on my own saliva. He remained silent , he was fucking serious? Did everything revolve around sexual shit? Here I was speaking about something so very important and this man has the audacity and nerve to ask me to STRIP!

It's odd - because I find myself doing just that. Anything to get him to listen. Stepping out of my shorts and panties,  I kick them aside and then remove my t-shirt. "Do not look at me", I grit my teeth and step under the blazing water. Surprisingly it warmed me. My hair hung around my face like wet curtains. Scrunching up my toes , I watch how the water pooled around my feet. "Can we -", the feeling of his hands on my shoulders made me freeze , breath hitching in my throat. "Disrespectful girl-", he scooped up my hair , laying it over my back. "I apologized ", I whisper. "Yes you did-", he stepped closer until my ass was pressed against his NO GO ZONE. I heart was on a fucking treadmill. "And that's supposed to just be okay?", his lips against my shoulder blade, sending shivers down my spine and butterflies erupting in the pits of my stomach. "I - can we discuss last night?", I nudge him with my elbow.

He hummed  , skimming his hands over my belly before slowly turning me around to face him. Water trickling down our faces. I squint as he cupped my face in his large hands , thumb swiping against my lips. "Get it right the first time", he deadpanned. "I was just trying to fit in -", I whisper. "You don't need to , Anastasia. You're different- stay that way", he drawled with a raised brow. As if it were ever easy being different. I lower my gaze to his chest and frown slightly.

"You don't understand-", I mumble. He sighed , forcing me to look up at him. "I don't wish too", he smirked. "Then why am I your wife ,taehyung? You don't even know anything about me. And I don't know you -", I trail off. It was the honest truth.

We don't know each other.

"What do you want to know?", he asked. Fingers playing with my hair. "I don't know taehyung-", I shrug my shoulders and watch his gaze shift to my nakedness. "Damn -", he mouthed. "Don't gawk", I sigh and he smiles. "You aren't insecure. That's cute -", he pointed out the obvious. I was never body conscious. Why should I be? Society shall never criticisize my body.

"I wasn't cheating ", I stare at his face. "I know -", he whispered and I felt lighter. "Then why did you treat me that way last night?", I reach up , wrapping my hands around his wrists. "You undermined my authority as your husband by leaving without informing me. I find you drunk with some random guy -", he tilt his head and I pout. "Please- I need to see them. This won't happen  again ", I promised and he scoffed.

Little Wife  | TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now