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18 : 23 pm

The rains had set in. With it came the chilled breeze which created goosebumps all over my skin. Standing outside the Massive velvet and gold building, I wait patiently for my boyfriend to fetch me.

I has so many incomplete assignments which needed to be well - complete. So little time, so much to do. Next week Mr kim was hosting a fundraiser. Not for himself ofcourse. He had one every year from the information I gathered from Brianna.

"Anastasia-", his deep voice made me hum in response before looking up at him. "You're still here-", he stared down as if I were some alien. "Oh yes. My boyfriend is running late , sir ". He glanced down at his wristwatch , "I'm heading to a meeting. I can give you a ride home ". How sweet. "Don't worry about me-", I smile awkwardly. "He will be here soon", I turn to gaze at the passing by cars.

"You want to shiver to death?", his question was farfetched. I surely wouldn't die out in this drizzle. "I am fine ", I shift from one foot to the other. The heels were killing me slowly. "Are you sure ?", he asked again and I nod. "I'm sure Mr kim. You enjoy your meeting ", I smile up at him. "You enjoy the cold -", he deadpanned but gave my head a little pat. I was not some dog ! "I will -", I wave as he walked away to his car.

The sound of the hoot made me snap my head to see Anthony waiting for me. With a grin , I hold my bags tightly and run in the rain to get to his car. "Oh my God! What a rush -", I laugh and shut the door. "Hi lover boy ", he leaned in , giving my lips a quick peck. "Baby", he greeted with a drag. "Bad day?", I ask as the car swiftly moved.

"No. Was that the boss?", he asked and I nod. "He was offering me a ride home because he thought you'd be late". I'm about to turn the heater on when he scoffed. "What?", I ask. "He looked pretty comfortable touching you -".

Oh he saw that dog pet?

"He's married", was the first thing that popped in my mind. Probably not the best thing I should have brought up to give reassurance. "That's what your mama said -" , he countered and we both fell into silence. My heart felt as if someone had punched it several times then beat it with am axe. That was a low blow and he knew it.

My mother had gotten remarried to a married man. Well he got divorced just to marry her BUT I am not my mother ! I hated when he brought that up and would compare me to her sins. I'm not her.

Ignoring my shivering hands, I tuck them underneath my jacket and focus on the window covered in droplets of rain. Tears pricked at my eyes and I knew I'd burst soon.

"I'll drop you at your apartment. I got an early day tomorrow, so I'm gonna rest", he spoke after what felt like forever. "Okay-", I whispered, bringing up my hands to wipe my wet cheeks. Anthony didn't seem to care that his words hurt me. He just drove me to my apartment and kissed me goodbye.


20 : 12 pm

"They are my parents , taehyung . What should I have said?", hailey crossed her legs - staring at herself In the large mirror as she put on those pearly dangling earrings.

"Well - I am not going ".

With a dropped jaw , she looked over her shoulder at her husband who was undressing from his work suit. "Taehyung? Are you serious ? We're invited to dinner-", she stood to her feet, marching to where he stood. "Hailey , I had a busy day at work. I don't sit all day at home -", he deadpanned and she frowned . "Are you trying to pass your sassy remarks?", she poked his arm but he ignored her.

"I work too ,taehyung! So what if I do so from the comfort of our home? So what?", she raised her voice. Taehyung looked down at her with a frown. "Who the fuck are you raising your voice at?".

"You !", she smacked his chest and he harshly gripped her wrist. "I said I don't want to go and that's final. You may go and enjoy -", he hissed . "Why are you such an assho-", her arrogance turned into a whimper when he gripped her throat in his large hand.

"Watch that tone and words ", he warned , pressing down on her throat. Her pale cheeks were turning crimson. "You will respect me", he smirked - pushing her down on the bed. Hailey coughed , rubbing her throat. "What the hell -", she squeaked as he got on top of her . "Taehyung", she couldn't help but laugh as he kissed her neck playfully. "Stop!", she yelled.

"You get on my last nerve-", he held her hands above her head. She was beautiful. Blonde hair and blue eyes - his very own barbie doll. "Yeah?", she whispered. "Yeah-", he leaned in , capturing her pouty lips with his. Hailey freed her hands , curling them around his neck.

They had been married for 3 years now. Sure they had their problems but that spark never faded.

"Taehyung -", she moaned into his mouth. The feeling of his fingers gliding into her lace and playing around with her wet clit made her helpless. He knew where to touch her. Where to kiss her. Taehyung was a Greek god. He was great at everything.

His tongue snaked in and out of her mouth , strings of saliva slurping out. Her hands fumbling with the collar of his shirt while his played around with her aching core.

"I'd fuck you -", he whispered against her lips. "But - you'll be later for dinner ", with that , he removed himself off her , standing again and undoing his tie. Hailey sits up, staring at her husband who seemed distant lately. They hadn't had sex for almost 3 weeks now.

"I can cancel -", she whispered, hoping to complete their steamy make out. "No. You made a commitment. Keep to it -", he smiled and walked away into the ensuite.
She sighed , running her fingers through her curled hair. Was she not Beautiful enough? Did he not love her anymore?

What if he was cheating?

Taehyung was gorgeous. He could have any women he wanted. Her anxiety was sky rocketing. She did not want a failed marriage. She loved him . Not just for his wealth- she genuinely loved him.

Maybe she wasn't good enough.

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