epilogue | bonus chapter

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A/n : to my beautiful readers. Thank you for being my inspiration to write ♡. I appreciate the time and comments and votes! You guys make my day 1000× better.

For those who asked and for those who are shy to comment- here's the little bonus chapter of their lives after she had chosen taehyung ♡. Just to clear confusion while reading- its been 2 years 💜

No smut 🧎‍♀️
✨️Just fluff and friendship ✨️


With my fingers drumming against the marble table , we both stare ahead at the blonde girl seated on the patio. Wine glass in hand and bright dimpled smile. Her eyes bouncing from the little book club folks to us. She gave a wave ,obviously caught us staring.

"Fuck-", jungkook hid his face as I wave back, struggling to bottle up my laughter. "Is she still looking?", he asked ,peeking up at me through his lashes. "No ", I snicker and poke his arm. "Damn, I don't know why mama would put me in such an uncomfortable position ", he chuckled, standing straight and leaning against the counter. "Well , you have been a loner for almost 2 years now", I pout and he playfully pushed my head. "We all can't just marry the first man we fall inlove with", he teased and I glance down at the ring around my finger.

"Well , you'll get there someday ", I joke. "I mean , she's cute ", he glanced over his shoulder at the blonde. "Yeah she is. Plus , mama knows her parents. They've been friends for the past year and scarlet is a good girl. She's smart and beautiful. I heard she's a med student ", I lift my glass , tipping my head back and gulping down the remainder of my wine.

"Med student or not. She could be a serial killer-", he rolled his eyes. "Okay - not everyone out there is evil", I furrow my brows. "Why is mama even having this silly gathering? Thought she's supposed to be spending time with you-", he sighed out. "She's been planning this for months. Besides , I'm going to be here for the next week. We can definitely hang more -", I nudge his arm and he smiled down at me.

Kookie and I only spend quality time together when I'm here in England. He's far too busy with work promotions to come visit in New York. "You think I should go say hi?", he questioned, chewing nervously on his lip. "You're being a kid-", I giggle. "Who's being a kid?", we turn to taehyung. "Kookie is afraid of going to greet that innocent girl over there", I explain as he wrapped his arms around me from behind , planting a kiss to my cheek. "She's pretty. Rupert mentioned mama brought her specifically for kook", tae teased and I chuckle. "Will you two love birds shut up. I'm not nervous,  I just don't understand why you all think I'm some lone wolf", he crossed his arms over his chest, pretending to be upset.

"Jungkook, just go say hi. How the fuck will you know She's a good girl if you stand here ?", taehyung nagged. "Fuck! Fine. I'm only doing this to prove that I'm not some piece of trash who's afraid to speak to a girl-", he dust his jacket dramatically and began to walk off to where scarlet sat. "He's such a drama queen-", taehyung whispered and we both laugh, watching kookie shake her hand before occupying the seat next to her. "She's blushing ", I say as tae turned me around to face him.

"I have errands to run with your father. Something about ice for the barbecue tomorrow-", he leaned in , pressing his forehead to mine. "Will you be okay alone?", he smiled and I pout , "I do just well by myself ", I swat his arm. "Do you? The other night you hadn't slept a wink because we didn't kill that baby spider-", he mocked. "Well! They can lay eggs in your hair-", I yell and he flashed his boxy smile which made me grin. "I'll be fine-", I curl my arms around his neck as he dipped his head,  pressing his lips to mine.

I guess we had completely blanked out as he ran his hands down my spine , groping my ass. I let out a little moan as he began to breathe heavily into the kiss.

"Hey! Not in my kitchen-", we break the kiss and turn to mama who had a disgusted look plastered on her face. I burst out laughing as taehyung rest his forehead on my shoulder in pure embarrassment. "Look at kookie. I told him She's great", she took another bottle of wine and rushed off to her friends. I glance up at taehyung who was crimson. "What? I thought you enjoyed messing with me infront of others", I tease and he pinched my cheek. "I'll take care of you and your cocky attitude later baby", he kissed my forehead and I smile.

"Be safe - you and papa ", i lift my eyes to his.

"We will be. You keep an eye on kookie", we turn to catch jungkook laughing at something she had said. "Yeah, we're definitely double dating before our vacation ends", I say and taehyung agreed.

"I'll see you later -", he cupped my cheeks in his warm hands , pressing a quick kiss to my lips.

"I love you husband "

He smiled, gently pressing another kiss to my forehead before whispering-

"I love you little wife".

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