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-flashback continued-

19 : 29 pm

"I like your hat-", she smiled at how childlike he looked. "Thank you baby" , he switched on the oven, turning around and giving her a quick kiss while she sat on the counter, admiring him.

"I tried making a late reservation at this fancy ocean side restaurant but it was all booked out. So I made one tomorrow-", he winked. "Besides , you did say this weather was for cuddling -", he hooked his arms around her waist , kissing her lips again. Anastasia curled her arms around his neck, snaking her tongue into his mouth while he skimmed his hands up her milky thighs. "So beautiful-", he dragged her closer to the edge , wanting to feel her body pressed against his. "Yes you are -", she pant softly. He ignored her cocky response and began kissing the side of her neck. His hand tugging on her hair while he flicked his tongue against her strawberry scented skin.
Anastasia removed his hat , placing it aside and sinking her fingers into his tousled hair. She loved tangling them up in his beautiful, soft curls. The second his erection pressed against her clothed core , she tucked her lip between her teeth.

"The salmon-", she stared at the oven. "We got time -", he chuckled, lifting her off the counter and carrying her into the living room. Sitting down on the couch with her straddling him - taehyung didn't hesitate to kiss her cleavage which spilled out the top of her fitted floral dress.

"Fuck-", he hissed while she adjusted herself, accidentally grinding on his throbbing length. "Sit still-", he gave her ass alittle spank. "Sorry-", she giggled, going back to kissing his perfect lips. His hands on her thighs and hers in his hair. Their tongues flicking against each other as strings of saliva trickled out.

Anastasia slowly pulls back, taking his hand and guiding it to her panties. "What-" , he was dumbfounded for a second before he understood what she wanted. "Please-", she whispered. "Baby, we don't have to. There's no rush-" , he gently rubbed her back with his free hand. "I want this-", she pleaded. "Baby-" , she cut him off by bringing his hand up and wrapping her lips around his index.

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