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-08 : 12 am

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08 : 12 am

I hated being at work on the weekend.

I was supposed to be spending time with mama. Her birthday was tomorrow and I hadn't yet found a gift for her. Like what would she other than Abby actually coming to visit. Still no word from her though.

"Goodmorning Anastasia-".

"Goodmorning Mr Taylor ", I lift my eyes from the bright laptop,  smiling up at his dull face. "Bridget isn't in today , so I need you to multitask today. We need coffees in conference room 5", I give a nod as he briskly walked to the elevator. He seemed to be in a bad mood. Maybe Avery and him got into a fight. Maybe his wife found out. Geez.

Closing my laptop- I rise to my feet, adjusting my skirt and making my way to the kitchen. "Gabe- the boss wants coffees. Have them made and get violet to have them served. He's in a mood. Let's not step on his toes", I update the kitchen staff who gave nods. Twirling around- I collide into his chest. His hands gripping my waist.

"Talk about stepping on toes-", sarcastic asshole. I step out of his arms after inhaling too much of his strong fragrance. That shit will have my nostrils burning for minutes. "Hi-", he gave a toothy smirk which made me sigh. "Goodmorning Mr kim ", keeping it professional between us was EXCELLENT! "Oh - Goodmorning Anastasia ", he whispered, holding his smile. "Do you need something?", I ask , not wanting the others to think anything. "Yes - an update. 5 coffees, 2 cappuccinos and 3 orange juices ". I turn to the staff and they nod. "Thank you. We were going to bring up all coffees", I gesture for him to follow me out and he did.

Grabbing his coat sleeve , i drag him into the nearest restroom.

"Whoa ! Slow down kitten - ", he chuckled as I pushed him up against the wall. "Why are you here ,taehyung?", I grit my teeth, lifting my Index in his face. "For business-", he eyed my finger with a smile. "You're lying-", I scrunch my nose as he pushed my finger away with the back of his hand. "Anastasia- it's been a year. Do you have any idea how many times , James had asked me to come assist him with business and I politely declined because I had my own shit to attend too", he raised a brow and I furrow mine. "I don't believe you ", I whisper and he sighed. "Do you think if I knew about you being his secretary, I would have still declined? Ofcourse not. I would have been on the first flight out of New York. Not that I need a flight - I have a jet", he was so cocky. "I had no idea you worked here", he sounded genuine but I have my doubts.

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