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Anastasia's pov:

Stirring around. I felt too comfortable to wake up but the sound of my beeping alarm made me groan. Prying open my eyes , I reach out and slap the clock,  shutting it up.

Looking around - I was home.

Wasn't I at the hotel with taehyung? Confused and in pain,  I get out of bed. Well,  I had no time to question the situation. I did not want to be late for work. Last night was hazy but I do recall what happened between us. Small fragments of It. Did I feel guilty? Ofcourse I did. But - damn was he good.

This thing between us was wrong and had to stop. There's always this odd tension. He needed to stop being all flirty. What happened last night had to be the last. I'll make sure of that.

My head ached as I entered the bathroom, sighing and staring at my tired reflection in the mirror. I looked like shit.

07 : 46 am
Kim Airlines

Was I paranoid or were people glancing at me?

Despite me being polite and greeting. None of them greet back. Instead they give me weird looks and go on with their work. What was going on?

Ignoring them all , I head to my work station on the 10th floor. Mr Kim's office was locked. He wasn't at work? He didn't mention any meetings outside work. Maybe it was personal. Shrugging it off , I take a seat , flipping open my laptop.

"Anastasia-", Brianna appeared out of thin air. "Hey", I smile. Glad someone finally greeted. "Don't hey me , girl", she shook her head and I squint in confusion. "What's going on? I feel like people are giving me dirty glares", I explained and she just nod . "You're so clueless yet naughty ", she chuckled. "Bri , I'm lost ", I mumble. "Well- Mrs kim was here about 30 minutes ago. Ranting and throwing a fit. She said you had sex with her husband ". The words that left her mouth made me go cold.


I was drunk but not that drunk. Taehyung did not have sex with me.

"That's not true ", I trail off , feeling my palms sweat and heart pound. My head still ached from the alcohol. "It's her word against yours , Anastasia. She has a sex tape , which I'm guessing Taehyung made and she somehow got her hands on it ".

This was all too much to take in. Sex tape? Taehyung would never do that. He definitely would not rape me in my sleeping state. How the fuck did I get home! Why was he not at work?

"Anastasia- she played it for the staff".

"What!", I yell and stand to my feet. My knees felt weak and I immediately felt the ground spin. What was happening? "I sorta recorded it for you-", she held out her phone, playing the video, which was bad quality. The bed could be seen but not the people on it. The girl kept moaning, Mr kim. I'm pretty sure I called him Taehyung. "Bri, I don't recall this", I whisper and she shrugged. "I don't know how to help you. I felt like slapping that blonde bitch. As for Mr kim , you need to discuss this with him ".

How could I when he was not at work?

"Stella gave her your boyfriends work details".

The second she uttered those words. My soul quaked. Anthony will never believe me. Not after I chose taehyung over him the other night. Turning on my heels , I pack up my bag , thank bri and rush out. Everyone continued to gossip about me and gawk. I felt miserable and sick. The tears that streamed down my cheeks were my fault. I should have never trusted taehyung! I should have never gotten drunk or went to that hotel room.

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