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16 : 57 pm

Long day.

I was so excited to be heading home. Where I could kick off these heels and slip into my pj's. Probably take a 5 hour nap.


Turning around,  I find Mr Taylor making his way to me. "Sir?", I smile and he pat my shoulder. "Did you manage to speak with your boyfriend about Mr kim?", my lips form an O. I hadn't yet mentioned this to jungkook. It wasn't easy. "I'm not putting pressure on you ,kid. It's just that - things at home aren't too great and I feel kinda embarrassed having my friend hear all that marriage nags. He slept at my place last night but I was hoping you'd come through ", he gave a desperate smile and I sighed out.

"I understand sir. Yes ofcourse Mr kim can sleep at my place".

I had papa's kind heart and I hated it.

"Thank you ", he looked relieved. "I'll let Mr kim know. He can drive you guys home ", he walked away and I stood there , staring down at my feet. Jungkook was an understanding person. I'm sure he wouldn't freak out. I mean - this is just business arrangements. He can't get mad. Besides taehyung and I have agreed to never overstep boundaries. He was not going to ruin my relationship with kookie.

So jungkook will understand.


17 : 29 pm

"It's abit messy but don't worry", i push open the apartment door. "Smells like sex", he deadpanned and I frown. "Don't even lie", I snap. We didn't fuck last night. He was just trying to annoy me. "Leave your suitcase in the bedroom. That's where you'll sleep", I point out the way and he nod whilst scanning the place.

"You sure do love small apartments ", he smiled down at me. "They're cozy. Now run along", I push his arm and he laughed , taking his suitcase and heading to the room. I sigh, kicking off my heels and falling onto the couch. I was tired as a DOG! I wish I could laze around and drink from water bowls. "Can I shower?", he appeared and I flick up a thumb. "I'll order supper-", I call out and he came back. "I'll pay", he said and I lift my head to make eye contact. "Uhm , no. You're my guest. I'll take care of it", I signaled him to go shower. "I'm paying. Better yet- I'll order ", he hopped beside me and I groan , sitting up and adjusting my skirt. "You enjoy Chinese, right?", he scanned through his phone.

"Tae-hyung!", I smoothly grab it out of his large hand. "I said I got this", I hold it far from his reach. "Anastasia- stop being childish. You're allowing me to stay here. Let me atleast pay for supper ", he reached out to take the phone but I hop up on the couch, causing him to smile. "Anastasia- if I stand up, you regret not giving it the first time I asked-", he raised a brow and I squint. "Is that a challenge?", I pout and he nod. "I'm paying. Now give me back my phone-"

"No-", I spring to my feet but squeak loudly as he gripped my skirt ,yanking me back onto the couch. "Taehyung!", I scream as he pinned me down,  hands above my head - the phone falling onto the floor. "Argh - you're a damn giant ", I fuss as he hovered , laughing in my face. I just stare up at him. He had the most beautiful and unique smile. A boxy one. I've always admired when he would give a genuine laugh. When he realized how silent I was- he hushed and stared back.

"I said not to make me ask again", he smirked , loosening his hold on my wrists. "And I said - you're my guest", I was adamant on paying. I wanted to show him that I've matured. I'm responsible. I can take care of myself and help out others. "I don't care -", he released me , picked up his phone and straightened his posture. I sit up , adjusting my skirt again.

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