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00 : 12 am
Taehyungs pov:

Who needs 24 hours of sleep to become sober?

Her sudden confession had smacked the alcohol out my system. I shut the front door while she strolled in , heading straight for the couch , where she sat , kicking off her heels. I'm sure she felt silly. I didn't know what to say. She was drunk. It could be the alcohol or spur of the moment. She could have been too sexually aroused and accidentally blurt the wrong words. I had to check out every possible reason before actually gracing that with a response.

Scratching the back of my head , I pace to where she sat. Her eyes glued to my face. "You can have the bed ", I say and her brows slouch. "Taehyung- I don't want the bed", she whispered, getting onto her feet and standing before me. "Why were you ignoring me? I thought you've been waiting for this moment", her voice soft and careful. "Anastasia- you're drunk. Just like the other day - you could wake up and regret everything we've done and said. Maybe we should speak about this in the morning. When you're sober-", I turn to walk away but she grabbed my hand. "No ! I meant it ", she sulked , lips curling downward.

"Baby- ", I sigh out. These past few days of being around her were driving me crazy. I didn't expect to bump into her when I left New York. I just wanted a peaceful week and a successful project launch for James. Anastasia just fucked my plans. Seeing her again brought back everything. I was miserable without her. Couldn't work,  eat, sleep. I had turned into a fucking zombie.

Suddenly my life was back on track and here she was again. So fucking beautiful and innocent. How could I ever resist her? I couldn't. It was simple. Now she was confessing to loving me? How the fuck do I respond to that? What about Jungkook? What about the life she built here?

"Taehyung-", she slurred , dropping her head against my chest. "Tae- don't go back to New York ", she began to sniffle and I sighed out , grasping her shoulders and helping her sit back on the couch. I get down on a knee , wiping away her tears. "Baby , I said we'll discuss this later. Get some rest", I stand , kissing her forehead. "Go to bed -", I whisper but she shook  head. "I'll take the couch -", she whispered and I nod , stroking her head then disappearing into the bedroom.

Removing my shirt , I toss it onto the little dresser. My mind clouded and pounding. I should have never kissed her that night. Boundaries should have remained. Why the fuck did I mess up. Turning around  - I stare at her standing at the door, hands held infront as she swayed from side to side. "Are you okay?", I ask and she nod several times. So cute.  "Want the bed?", I point and she shook her head , lip tucked between her teeth. "Anastasia- you sleep here ", I am about to take a step when she moved first. Slowly pacing toward me while unbuttoning her dress which looked like a t-shirt. "Anastasia-", I gulp, watching her drop it to the floor. "I do love you -", she whispered,  hands trailing up my chest . "I love you -", she whispered again , lifting herself on her tiptoes, trying to reach my lips. "Baby-", my hands rest on her waist as I try to put distance between us.

"What's the problem?", she whined. "The problem is you're drunk. What isn't clicking Anastasia? We can discuss this later , please ", I begged and she snickered. "You're so adorable ", her fingers laced behind my neck. "Don't you love me?", she pout and I sigh . "Ofcourse I love you", she pulled me closer , forcing me to dip my head . Her lips grazing mine - "show me -", her voice low and seductive. I couldn't help the smirk that formed on my face , as I lift her with such ease , making her giggle. "Oh - i will show you", I kiss her chin, carrying her to the bed where I drop her onto her back. She continued to laugh, throwing her arms over her head. She looked like a fucking model. Pink lingerie against creamy skin.

I kick off my pants , climbing between her spread out thighs. The bed dipping with our weight. "Hi-", she smiled , reaching out until I pressed myself against her. "I missed you -", her teeth grazed my earlobe before she gently flicked her tongue. "Fuck", that was enough to make me moan. I cup her cheek , kissing her parted lips. Tongue sliding into her panting mouth while her nails scratch my back.  Fuck - she was going to leave marks. "Taehyung-", she flinched the second my teeth nibble on her lip. "I fucking adore you-", I press my cock against her panties. The way she squirmed underneath was so sexy.

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