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••No one's pov:

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No one's pov:

"I said dress smart not fancy-", taehyung grumbled as they entered the hotel lobby. Mr Birkin owned several hotels across New York. He wanted taehyung to advertise his hotel to the airline guests or vip tourists.

"This is not fancy. Besides , it's the only professional and cute thing combined ,that I own", she tugged on the white mini skirt . Taehyung just shook his head. He had disapproved of it the moment she waltz out of her apartment. Unfortunately they were running late so he could not order her to change.

"Mr Birkin creeps me out", she mumbled and followed Taehyung through the hotel restaurant which was busy. The soft violins playing made her want to sleep. "He can be cocky ", taehyung said ,gesturing for her to enter the vip booth. "This is nice", she looked around. "Yeah?", he placed his hand on her lower back,  causing her to tense. "Walk", he gave her a little nudge.

The booth was dark but lit with purple and gold lights. It seemed more like a night club than a hotel. "Is this safe-", she halted ,making him bump into her. Taehyung grunted and cussed underneath his breath. The feeling of her ass pressed up against his dick was not the best of things to happen before a meeting. "Anastasia- please walk", he fussed and pulled her along.

"Looks sketchy ", she continued to get on his last nerve. They eventually reached the bar zone , finding Mr Birkin with his so called mistress while his wife was home with their 3 kids. Everyone knew he was screwing the secretary.

"Mr Birkin-", taehyung greeted ,shaking the man's hand. "I've been waiting ", he chuckled,  gesturing for him to take a seat. "Ms Cora,  beautiful as always ", he shook her hand. Taehyung eyeing the way he gawked at her from head to toe. Anastasia sat beside taehyung,  feeling safe near her boss. "So - what will you 2 be drinking? It's on the house- ", he signaled the bartender. "Whiskey ", taehyung spoke. Mr Birkin looked to Anastasia who was busy reading the menu on the glowing boards. "A banana smoothie?", she looked puzzled by her choice. Taehyung gave a nod to the bartender who left to receive their orders.

"I'm glad you accepted this deal , Mr kim ", he went on talking business while Anastasia zoned out. Her eyes moving to the little dance floor ,where drunk people grooved. Clashing their bodies against each other. It looked scary but fun. She had been to clubs before with Anthony. He would always force her to dance but that just wasn't her scene. She could hear taehyungs voice but he was just chatting to Mr Birkin while his secretary played with his hair. Awkward.

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